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English-German translation for: Stare-in-the-Air
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Dictionary English German: Stare in the Air

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lit. F The History of Hans Stare-in-the-Air [trans.: Mark Twain]Die Geschichte vom Hanns Guck-in-die-Luft [Struwwelpeter / Heinrich Hoffmann]
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to stare sb. in the face [idiom] [be obvious]jdm. in die Augen springen [Redewendung]
to stare into the distancein die Ferne starren
to stare into the distanceden Blick in die Ferne richten
to stare death in the facedem Tod ins Auge blicken
to stare sb. in the face [idiom] [be obvious]jdm. ins Auge springen [Redewendung]
to be in the airin der Luft liegen
to dangle in the airin der Luft baumeln
to hover in the airin der Luft stehen
Spring is in the air! [idiom]Frühling liegt in der Luft! [Redewendung]
That's up in the air. [fig.] [pending]Das ist in der Schwebe.
F Johnny Head-in-the-AirHans-guck-in-die-Luft {m} [ugs.] [Träumer] [Struwwelpeter]
to be up in the air [idiom]in der Luft hängen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ungewiss sein]
to hang in the air [idiom]in der Luft hängen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [noch nicht entschieden sein]
to hang in the air [idiom]in der Luft schweben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [noch nicht entschieden sein]
sports good in the air {adj}kopfballstark
castles in the airLuftschlösser {pl}
to stare at sb./sth. in wonderjdn./etw. anstaunen
mus. F Soar joyfully in the air [also: Soar gladly through the air]Steigt freudig in die Luft [J. S. Bach, BWV 36a]
sports great in the air {adj} [football]kopfballstark
Hands in the air!Hände hoch!
in the open air {adv}im Freien
sports strong in the air {adj}kopfballstark [Fußball]
castle in the airLuftschloss {n} [fig.]
The matter is still up in the air. [fig.]Die Sache ist noch in der Schwebe. [fig.]
to stare into space [idiom]Löcher in die Luft starren [Redewendung]
(up) in the air {adj} [idiom] [uncertain]ungewiss
in the open air {adv}an der Luft
in the open air {adv}unter freiem Himmel
dried in the open air {adj} [postpos.]luftgetrocknet
geol. ind. tech. in the absence of air {adv}unter Luftabschluss
tech. in the absence of air {adv}unter Luftausschluss
idiom to build castles in the airLuftschlösser errichten
to shoot into the airin die Luft schießen
to soar into the airin die Luft aufsteigen
to air the laundry (in public) [idiom]Geheimnisse preisgeben
shot fired in the air [to scare someone]Schreckschuss {m}
to build castles in the air [idiom]Luftschlösser bauen [Redewendung]
to change the air in a roomdas Zimmer lüften
to leap up into the airin die Höhe springen
to leap up into the airin die Luft springen
aviat. mil. to serve in the air forcebei der Luftwaffe dienen
to stare blankly at the screenausdruckslos auf den Bildschirm starren
to take to the airsich in die Lüfte schwingen [geh.]
There's trouble in the air.Es knistert im Gebälk.
to be in the open airan der frischen Luft sein
to raise oneself into the airsich in die Lüfte erheben
to stick one's thumb in the airden Daumen hochhalten
to punch the air [in celebration]die Faust in die Luft stoßen
He's up in the air.Er lebt auf dem Mond.
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