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English-German translation for: Steak
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Dictionary English German: Steak

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NOUN   a steak | steaks
NOUN   das Steak | die Steaks
SYNO   Karree | Kotelett | Steak
gastr. steak
Steak {n}
gastr. steak
Beefsteak {n}
gastr. steak
Fleischschnitte {f}
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. barbecued steakgegrilltes Steak {n}
gastr. beef steakBeefsteak {n}
gastr. beef steakRindersteak {n}
gastr. best steakSteak {n} von bester Qualität
gastr. blade steak [veal]Kalbskotelett {n} aus der Schulter
gastr. braising steakSchmorfleisch {n}
gastr. butterfly steakSchmetterlingssteak {n}
gastr. chuck steakKurzrippensteak {n}
gastr. entrecôte (steak)Entrecote {n}
gastr. entrecôte (steak)Zwischenrippensteak {n} vom Rind
gastr. filet steakLendenschnitte {f}
gastr. flank steakFlankensteak {n}
gastr. gammon steak [lightly smoked loin of pork] [Br.]Kassler {n}
gastr. hanger steakNierenzapfen {m}
gastr. horsemeat steakPferdesteak {n}
gastr. minute steakMinutensteak {n}
gastr. mutton steakHammelsteak {n}
gastr. pepper steakPfeffersteak {n}
gastr. point steakHüftsteak {n}
gastr. pork steakSchweinesteak {n}
gastr. porterhouse steakPorterhousesteak {n}
gastr. rare steakblutiges Steak {n} [fig.]
gastr. rare steakrohes Steak {n}
gastr. rare steaknur leicht gebratenes Steak {n}
gastr. ribeye (steak)Ribeye-Steak {n}
gastr. round steak [Am.]Rinderbratenstück {n}
gastr. round steak [Am.]Rumpsteak {n}
gastr. rump steakRumpfsteak {n} [seltener für: Rumpsteak]
gastr. rump steakRumpsteak {n}
gastr. Salisbury steak [Am.]Hacksteak {n}
gastr. salmon steakLachssteak {n}
gastr. sirloin steakLendensteak {n}
gastr. sirloin steakRückensteak {n}
FoodInd. gastr. skirt steakKronfleisch {n}
gastr. steak dinnerSteak Dinner {n}
gastr. steak forkSteakgabel {f}
gastr. steak fritesSteak {n} mit Pommes frites
gastr. tools steak hammerFleischklopfer {m}
gastr. steak houseSteakhaus {n}
gastr. tools steak knifeSteakmesser {n}
gastr. steak knivesSteakmesser {pl}
gastr. steak sauceSteaksoße {f}
steak setSteakbesteck {n}
gastr. steak tartareHackepeter {m} [hier für: Tatarbeefsteak] [bes. nordd., regional]
gastr. steak tartareTatar {n}
gastr. steak tartareTatarbeefsteak {n}
gastr. stewing steakRindfleisch {n} zum Kochen
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Q 2021-05-31: Roastbeef-Steak 180g
A 2019-01-28: Almaty-Style Horse Steak, with Khychin and Morkovka
A 2014-07-15: Just the stuff to marinade your steak in.
Q 2014-01-09: Cooking/ordering a steak.
A 2012-03-06: No irony here, it's a thrill of anticipation like Xmas or candyfloss or a ...
A 2011-03-21: romy, as wiki says, round steak = rump steak, not sirloin.
A 2011-03-21: Sirloin Steak or "Round Steak"
Q 2011-03-12: Holzfäller-Steak
A 2011-01-18: simulated steak (i.e. made of quorn or other vegetable ingredients)
A 2010-10-28: AE pork back steak
A 2010-08-24: vielleicht ein Bezug auf den Slogan: Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
A 2010-03-17: hmmmm - Sell The Sizzle Not The Steak http://marketingcomet.typepad.com/m...
A 2010-03-17: The sizzle sells the steak.
A 2010-03-12: well - a steak is chewy !! (edit - can be, it's a real pity!) and yes - ...
A 2009-09-15: @farandaway:Bringen das tatsächlich Leute zustande?????????(T-bone steak s...
Q 2009-06-07: Since my request for a Steak and Kidney Pie recipe worked so well,
Q 2009-06-06: Call for recipes: All ye British, could you tell me how to make a good ste...
A 2009-02-03: Auch nicht schlecht ist, das Porterhouse Steak oder in Italien das Bistecc...
A 2009-01-14: Steak Sauce
Q 2009-01-14: steak sauce

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