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English-German translation for: Stephen
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Dictionary English German: Stephen

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SYNO   Sir Leslie Stephen | Stephen
name StephenStefan {m}
name StephenStephan {m}
2 Words: Others
even-stephen {adj} [coll.]ausgeglichen [Match, Partie]
2 Words: Nouns
relig. St. Stephen [protomartyr]hl. Stephanus {m} [1. Märtyrer]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. relig. Pope Stephen IXPapst {m} Stephan IX.
bibl. spec. speech of Stephen [Acts 7]Stephanusrede {f}
archi. relig. St. Stephen's Cathedral [in Passau, Vienna etc.]Stephansdom {m}
relig. St. Stephen's DayStefanitag {m}
relig. St. Stephen's DayStefanstag {m}
relig. St. Stephen's DayStephanstag {m}
relig. St. Stephen's Day [Saint Stephen's Day] [26 December]Stephanustag {m} [26. Dezember]
hist. St. Stephen's Purse [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Stephansbursa {f} [auch Stephansburse, Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
relig. St. Stephen's rideStephaniritt {m} [auch: Stephani-Ritt, Stefaniritt, Stefani-Ritt, Stephanus-Ritt, Stephanusritt]
hist. Stephen of Blois [King of England 1135-1154]Stephan {m} von Blois [König von England]
hist. relig. Stephen of MuretStephan {m} von Muret
hist. Stephen the Great [Ștefan cel Mare]Stefan {m} der Große
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Crown of St. StephenStephanskrone {f}
relig. Feast of St. StephenStefanitag {m}
relig. Feast of St. StephenStephanstag {m}
relig. St. Stephen of Hungaryhl. Stephan I. {m} (von Ungarn)
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Feast Day of the Protomartyr Stephen [St. Stephen's Day]Tag {m} des Erzmärtyrers Stephanus [Stefanitag]
hist. Lands of the Crown of St. StephenLänder {pl} der Stephanskrone
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F (Stephen King's) Cat's Eye [Lewis Teague]Katzenauge [auch: Katzen-Auge]
film F (Stephen King's) Rose Red [Craig R. Baxley]Stephen Kings Haus der Verdammnis
film F Firestarter [Mark L. Lester]Stephen King's Der Feuerteufel
RadioTV F Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen KingNightmares & Dreamscapes: Nach den Geschichten von Stephen King
film F Stephen King's Desperation [Mick Garris]Desperation
film F Stephen King's It [Tommy Lee Wallace]Stephen Kings Es
film F Stephen King's Storm of the CenturyStephen Kings Sturm des Jahrhunderts
film F Stephen King's The Night Flier [Mark Pavia](Stephen King's) The Night Flier
film F The Stand [Mick Garris]Stephen Kings The StandDas letzte Gefecht
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
zool. T
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A 2019-09-08: I would enjoy listening to Stephen Fry even when he's explaining how to op...
A 2015-02-19: Jetzt, wo sich selbst Stephen Hawkings von den schwarzen Löchern verabschi...
Q 2014-10-18: And he [Stephen] kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord lay not t...
Q 2014-09-17: Stephen Jay Gold …
Q 2013-05-11: Stephen Hawking and the academic boycott of Israel
Q 2013-04-04: Stephen Colbert Responds
A 2011-02-27: He processed this experience in two works, the newspaper report "Stephen C...
A 2011-02-26: Also - twenty-five-year-old Stephen Crane.
A 2009-03-10: http://wiki.stephen-king.de/index.php/Taheen no
A 2009-03-03: @ Stephen, Bacca
A 2009-03-02: Super, danke, Stephen
A 2009-01-03: Stephen Chang has a way of reconciling Tao and Western traditions
A 2007-11-06: Und hier noch einer von Stephen Hawking:
A 2007-02-23: Stephen King? - the black hotel
A 2006-10-16: St Stephen's Crown (US: St. Stephen's Crown)
A 2005-08-23: oh yes ...King Stephen
A 2005-02-18: http://www.stephen.hull.btinternet.co.uk/ral.html
A 2004-09-27: Thanks, Yvonne. That put me on the right track. Stephen

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