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English-German translation for: Sticks
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Dictionary English German: Sticks

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NOUN   a stick | sticks
VERB  to stick | stuck | stuck ... 
NOUN   der Stick | die Sticks
sb./sth. sticks
jd./etw. klebt
sth. sticks
etw. haftet
Stöcke {pl}
weapons sticks [obs.] [sl.]
Pistolen {pl}
gastr. saltsticksSticks {pl} [kleine, dünne Salzstange]
2 Words: Others
proverb Mud sticks.Etwas bleibt immer hängen.
sth. sticks out [protrudes]etw. steht vor
sth. sticks togetheretw. verklebt
2 Words: Verbs
to up sticks [coll.] [move home]umziehen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. blown sticksBlasstäbe {pl}
gastr. carrot sticksKarottenstäbchen {pl}
gastr. carrot sticksMöhrenstäbchen {pl}
gastr. cheese sticksKäsestäbchen {pl}
gastr. cheese sticksKäsestangen {pl}
chewing sticksKauhölzchen {pl}
mus. clap sticks [Aus.] [also: clapsticks]Schlaghölzer {pl} [Aborigines-Clapsticks]
gastr. cocktail sticksCocktailspieße {pl}
mus. Cuban sticks [claves]Claves {pl}
dental sticksZahnhölzchen {pl}
mus. drum sticksSchlagzeugsticks {pl} [Schlagzeugstöcke]
agr. hort. fertilizer sticksDüngestäbchen {pl}
gastr. fish sticks [Am.]Fischstäbchen {pl}
mus. friction sticksReibstäbe {pl}
incense sticksRäucherstäbchen {pl}
joss sticksRäucherstäbchen {pl}
gastr. pastry sticksGebäckstangen {pl}
gastr. pretzel sticksSalzstangen {pl}
gastr. pretzel sticksSalzstangerl {pl} [österr.]
gastr. satay sticksSatay-Spieße {pl}
sports ski sticksSchistöcke {pl}
sports ski sticksSkistöcke {pl}
sports skiing sticksSkistöcke {pl}
traffic stop sticks {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [STOP STICK® tire-deflation device]Nagelsperre {f}
walking sticksWanderstäbe {pl}
constr. winding sticks [in woodworking, carpentry]Richthölzer {pl}
3 Words: Others
in the sticks {adv} [idiom]wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen [Redewendung]
jolly hockey sticks {adj} {noun} [Br.] [hum.][übermütiges, burschikoses und auch nüchternes Verhalten von Frauen, Schulmädchen der oberen Mittel-/ Oberschicht]
idiom sth. sticks in sb.'s mindetw. bleibt bei jdm. haften [bleibt in Erinnerung]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (soft) pretzel sticksLaugenstangen {pl}
games pick-up sticks [Br.]Mikado {n}
gastr. puff paste sticksBlätterteigstängelchen {pl}
gastr. salted pretzel sticksBierstengel {pl} [schweiz.] [kleine dünne Salzstangen]
gastr. salted pretzel sticksSalzletten {pl} [Bahlsen®] [kleine dünne Salzstangen]
gastr. salted pretzel sticksSalzstängchen {pl}
gastr. salted pretzel sticksSoletti® {pl} [österr.] [kleine dünne Salzstangen]
dent. wax in sticksStangenwachs {n}
4 Words: Others
(out) in the sticks {adv} [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]in der tiefsten Provinz [pej.]
out in the sticks {adv} [coll.] [pej.] [idiom]am Arsch der Welt [derb] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Verbs
sports to stand between the sticks [football]zwischen den Pfosten stehen
5+ Words: Others
lit. quote Culture which smooth the whole world licks, // Also unto the devil sticks.Auch die Kultur, die alle Welt beleckt, // Hat auf den Teufel sich erstreckt. [J. W. v. Goethe, Faust]
idiom He pokes / sticks his nose into everything. [coll.]Er steckt seine Nase überall rein. [ugs.]
He sticks his nose into everything.Er steckt seine Nase in alles hinein.
right out in the sticks {adv} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [idiom]in der Pampa [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung] [in der tiefsten Provinz]
proverb Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words / names will never hurt me.Stock und Stein brechen mein Gebein, doch Worte bringen keine Pein.
The laughter sticks in sb.'s throat. [coll.] [idiom]Jdm. bleibt das Lachen im Hals stecken. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
way out in the sticks {adv} [coll.] [idiom]in der Pampa [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung] [in der tiefsten Provinz]
What (in) the h-e-double hockey sticks ... ? [esp. Am.] [coll.] [euphem.] [What (in) the hell]Was zum Geier ... ? [ugs.]
You must keep on repeating the vocab till it sticks. [coll.]Du musst die Vokabeln so oft wiederholen, bis sie sitzen. [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be (as) cross as two sticks [coll.]stinksauer sein [ugs.]
idiom to be (as) cross as two sticks [coll.]eine Stinklaune haben [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Welcome to the Sticks [Dany Boon]Willkommen bei den Sch'tis
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
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Q 2017-05-03: Sticky USB sticks? +Think before you click on your stick.+
A 2016-12-12: USB sticks are great to use — with utmost care. There are civil service br...
A 2016-02-08: I would say that it means you shouldn't let the cable rest/lie on anything...
A 2015-09-03: http://www.dict.cc/?s=in+the+sticks
Q 2015-09-03: sticks
A 2015-07-20: Das hier sind Selfie-Sticks:
Q 2015-07-20: Get your selfie sticks at the ready!
A 2015-07-06: Everybody undeviatingly sticks to the tradition of spending Christams Eve ...
Q 2013-09-09: centroided mass spectral called "sticks"
A 2013-06-01: A collar is something that goes around something else and sticks out a bit -
A 2011-10-22: The last link is for a holder for newspaper sticks.
A 2011-10-22: http://www.gresswell.co.uk/display/newspaper-magazine-display/newspaper-st...
A 2010-11-09: More specifically: If he lights the fire by rubbing sticks together
A 2010-08-02: She was cross as two sticks the other minute. Did you have a fight?
A 2010-07-09: Short sticks
A 2010-07-08: Short sticks
Q 2010-07-08: short sticks
Q 2010-04-08: Patenttext über Papiermaschine, Sinn von "sticks" richtig erkannt?
A 2009-09-17: ?rises (up)?, sticks out, to jut out? or simply "protrudes"
Q 2009-08-21: to gouge (to strike or push with pointy objects, fingers, elbows, sticks, ...

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