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English-German translation for: Stoke-on-Trent
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Dictionary English German: Stoke on Trent

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NOUN   (das) Stoke-on-Trent | -
geogr. Stoke-on-TrentStoke-on-Trent {n}
Partial Matches
hist. relig. Council of TrentTridentinum {n}
to stoke upaufheizen
geogr. Trent [city in Italy]Trient {n}
hist. relig. Council of TrentTrienter Konzil {n}
rail to stokeheizen [beheizen; Lokomotive]
geogr. Trent [Italian city Trento]Trident {n} [Trient]
hist. relig. Council of TrentKonzil {n} von Trient
ind. spec. to stoke up [furnace]beschicken [Ofen]
idiom to stoke up a feudeine Fehde anfachen
to stoke up a fireein Feuer schüren
hist. relig. Council of TrentKonzilium {n} zu Trident [selten] [Konzil von Trient]
to stoke sth. [also fig.]etw.Akk. schüren [auch fig.] [anheizen]
to stoke up [also fig.]anfachen [auch fig.]
to stoke up [also fig.]anheizen [auch fig.]
to stoke sth. [also fig.: hatred, envy, rage, war, etc.]etw.Akk. anfachen [auch fig.]
math. Kirchhoff's theorem [also: theorem of Kirchhoff-Trent]Satz {m} von Kirchhoff-Trent [auch: Satz von Kirchhoff]
comm. on board / on-board bill of lading <on board B/L>Bordkonnossement {n}
on average {adv} <on av.>im Durchschnitt <i. D.>
on what / what ...on {adv}woran [soll ich das befestigen, etc.]
MedTech. on-the-floor / on-floor {adj}Auf-Boden- / Aufboden- [Verlegung von Leitungen usw.]
med. osteonecrosis <ON>Osteonekrose {f} <ON>
biol. on-reactionOn-Reaktion {f}
on top {adv} [in addition to]on top [ugs.] [darüber hinaus]
publ. print on demand <POD>Book-on-Demand {n} [Abrufbuch]
RadioTV F On-X [Rainbow Brite]On-X [Regina Regenbogen]
med. on-pump coronary artery bypass <(on-pump) CABG>Koronararterien-Bypass-Operation {f} mit Herzlungenmaschine
MedTech. RadioTV on-screen display <OSD>On-Screen-Einblendung {f}
on-and-off relationshipOn-off-Beziehung {f}
sociol. on-and-off relationshipsOn-off-Beziehungen {pl}
film F Breakfast on Pluto [novel: Patrick McCabe, film: Neil Jordan]Breakfast on Pluto
gastr. on the rocks {adj} [idiom] [over ice cubes]on the rocks [Getränk]
educ. jobs on-the-job trainingOn-the-Job-Training {n} [Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz durch Zusehen und Mitmachen unter Anleitung einer Facharbeitskraft]
comm. not-on-shelf-but-on-stock <NOSBOS> situationNOSBOS-Situation {f} [Bestandslücke im Verkaufsregal, Artikel ist im Lager vorhanden]
comp. Ruby on Rails® <Rails, RoR> programming languageRuby-on-Rails-Programmiersprache {f} [Ruby on Rails®]
mus. bolt-on neck [electric guitar]Bolt-on Neck {m} [angeschraubter Gitarrenhals]
stay-on-tab [beverage can]Stay-On-Tab-Verschluss {m} [Getränkedose]
RadioTV F Life on MarsLife on MarsGefangen in den 70ern
comp. on-board solutionOn-Board-Lösung {f}
bot. T
travel TrVocab. hop-on-hop-off ticketHop-on-Hop-off-Fahrkarte {f} [Ticket, das zum beliebigen Ein- und Aussteigen (wörtlich: „Hüpf rein, hüpf raus“) berechtigt.]
film F A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child [Stephen Hopkins]Nightmare on Elm Street 5 – Das Trauma
film F The Last Man on Earth [Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow]The Last Man on Earth - Die wahre Legende
film F Life on the Line [David Hackl]Der SturmLife on the Line
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
film F A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master [Renny Harlin]Nightmare on Elm Street 4
automot. on-board diagnostics <OBD>On-Board-Diagnose {f} <OBD>
film F Night on Earth [Jim Jarmusch]Night on Earth
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