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English-German translation for: Straight From The Source
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Dictionary English German: Straight From The Source

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(straight) from the shoulder {adv}geradeheraus [ugs.]
ind. straight from the factory {adj} [postpos.]fabrikfrisch
straight from the factory {adj} [postpos.]fabrikneu
straight from the shoulder {adv} [fig.]unverblümt
straight from the socketdirekt aus der Steckdose
straying from the straight and narrowIrrsal {n} [poet.]
idiom straight from the horse's mouthaus erster Hand
audio tech. pointing away from the sound source {adj} [postpos.]schallabgewandt
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} [idiom]direkt aus der Quelle
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} [idiom]direkt von der Quelle
audio ear facing away from the sound (source)schallabgewandtes Ohr {n}
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]aufs falsche Gleis geraten [Redewendung]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]vom rechten Weg abgehen [fig.]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]vom rechten Weg abkommen [fig.]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]von der rechten Bahn abkommen [Redewendung]
film F The Straight Story [David Lynch]Eine wahre GeschichteThe Straight Story
to have its source fromentspringen
a lawyer straight from universityein frischgebackener Rechtsanwalt {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
from a good source {adv}aus guter Quelle
from a reliable source {adv}aus zuverlässiger Quelle
from a trustworthy source {adv}aus sicherer Quelle
straight from central casting {adj} [postpos.] [idiom]wie aus dem Bilderbuch [nachgestellt]
econ. from a single source {adj} [pred.]aus einer Hand
from source to source {adv}von Quelle zu Quelle
from an authoritative source {adv} [a person]aus berufenem Munde [Redewendung]
from an authoritative source {adv} [a person]von berufener Seite [Redewendung]
a scene that could have come straight from a movieeine filmreife Szene {f} [fig.]
to come straight from Londongeradewegs aus London kommen
I have it from a good source.Ich habe es aus guter Quelle.
It was straight / all downhill from there. [idiom]Von da an ging's bergab. [Idiom]
econ. everything from one source [Kanban principle]alles aus einer Hand [Komplettversorgung, Kanban-Prinzip]
straight to the point {adj}punktgenau
mus. straight muteStraight-Dämpfer {m}
MedTech. dual-source computed tomography <dual-source CT>Dual-Source-Computertomografie {f} <Dual-Source-CT>
MedTech. dual-source computed tomography <dual-source CT>Dual-Source-Computertomographie {f} <Dual-Source-CT>
idiom the straight dopeder richtige Tipp {m}
relig. the straight and narrowPfad {m} der Tugend
Are the pictures straight?Hängen die Bilder gerade?
idiom to set / put the record straightdie Dinge richtigstellen
to set / put the record straighteine Sache richtigstellen
comm. to source sth. (from sb./sth.)etw. (von jdm./etw.) beziehen
Straight along the coast.Immer an der Küste entlang.
straight off the bat {adv} [idiom]gleich von Beginn weg
to come straight to the pointdirekt zur Sache kommen
reference to the sourceQuellenhinweis {m}
FireResc source of (the) fireBrandherd {m}
med. source of (the) infectionInfektionsquelle {f}
geogr. hydro. source of the DanubeDonauquelle {f}
geogr. source of the NileNilquelle {f}
geol. source of the RhineRheinquelle {f}
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