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English-German translation for: Strait
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Dictionary English German: Strait

Translation 1 - 50 of 113  >>


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NOUN   a strait | straits
SYNO   sound | strait | pass | straits
strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow; also: affording little space; fitting tightly (clothes)]
eng [auch: beengt; eng anliegend (Kleidung)]
strait {adj}
strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow]
schmal [eng]
strait {adj}
strait {adj}
geogr. strait
Meerenge {f}
geogr. strait
Straße {f} [Meerenge]
geogr. strait
Enge {f} [Meerenge]
strait [often plural] [bad situation]
Notlage {f}
geogr. strait
Meeresenge {f} [ugs.]
geogr. strait
Meeresstraße {f}
geogr. strait
Sund {m}
strait [often plural] [bad situation]
Zwangslage {f}
2 Words: Others
strait-laced {adj}puritanisch
strait-laced {adj}sittenstreng
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Alor StraitStraße {f} von Alor
geogr. Balabac StraitBalabacstraße {f}
geogr. Basilan StraitStraße {f} von Basilan
geogr. Bass StraitBass-Straße {f}
geogr. Bering StraitBeringstraße {f}
geogr. Bohol StraitStraße {f} von Cebu
geogr. Cabot StraitCabotstraße {f}
geogr. Cebu StraitStraße {f} von Cebu
geogr. Cook StraitCookstraße {f}
geogr. Davis StraitDavisstraße {f}
geogr. Denmark StraitDänemarkstraße {f}
geogr. Dover StraitStraße {f} von Dover
geogr. Endeavour StraitEndeavour-Straße {f}
geogr. Euripus StraitEuripos {m}
geogr. Formosa StraitFormosastraße {f}
geogr. Formosa StraitTaiwanstraße {f}
geogr. Foveaux StraitFoveauxstraße {f}
geogr. Fram StraitFramstraße {f}
geogr. Gaspar StraitGaspar-Straße {f}
geogr. Georgia StraitGeorgiastraße {f}
geogr. Georgia StraitStraße {f} von Georgia
geogr. Hudson StraitHudsonstraße {f}
geogr. Istanbul StraitBosporus {m}
geogr. Jintotolo StraitJintotolo-Kanal {m}
geogr. Kalmar StraitKalmarsund {m}
geogr. Kanmon StraitKammon-Straße {f}
geogr. Karimata StraitKarimata-Straße {f}
geogr. Kerch StraitStraße {f} von Kertsch
geogr. Korea StraitKoreastraße {f}
geogr. Laptev StraitLaptew-Straße {f}
geogr. Lembeh StraitLembeh-Straße {f}
geogr. Lombok StraitLombokstraße {f}
geogr. Luzon StraitStraße {f} von Luzon [auch Luzonstraße]
geogr. Macassar Strait [spv.] [dated]Makassar-Straße {f}
geogr. Magallanes Strait [rare] [Straits / Strait of Magellan]Magellanstraße {f}
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A 2015-02-06: Perhaps: simplistic and strait-laced approach
A 2011-12-19: straight < strait < strait-laced / straight-laced - here +strait / straigh...
A 2008-04-19: Some rather strait-laced Forum member(s) must have clicked the +Spam+ butt...
A 2007-08-16: http://www.answers.com/topic/strait-of-gibraltar-1
A 2007-08-15: sound - strait

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