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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Strontium-Erz
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Strontium Erz

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SEE ALSO  strontiumerz
mineral. strontium oreStrontium-Erz {n} [Rsv.]
Partial Matches
chem. strontium(II) fluoride [SrF2]Strontium(II)-fluorid {n}
chem. barium strontium titanate <BST>Barium-Strontium-Titanat {n}
arch- {prefix}Erz-
geol. mining oreErz {n}
tech. to stampErz pochen
thorough-paced {adj}Erz-
geogr. Erz Mountains {pl}Erzgebirge {n}
chem. strontium <Sr>Strontium {n} <Sr>
chem. tech. to beneficiateErz reduzieren [verhütten]
ind. beneficiationReduktion {f} von Erz
mining to smelt oreErz verhütten
mining to win oreErz gewinnen
crude orerohes Erz {n}
mining pay oreabbauwürdiges Erz {n}
raw orerohes Erz {n}
roasted oregeröstetes Erz {n}
siliceous orekieselsaures Erz {n}
chem. strontium atomStrontiumatom {n}
chem. strontium compoundStrontiumverbindung {f}
chem. strontium contentStrontiumgehalt {m}
mineral. strontium oreStrontiumerz {n}
notorious {adj}Erz- [mit Negativ-Begriffen]
bronzeErz {n} [selten, veraltet: Bronze]
ore as minedrohes Erz {n}
chem. strontium aluminate [SrAl2O4]Strontiumaluminat {n}
chem. strontium boride [SrB6]Strontiumborid {n}
chem. strontium bromide [SrBr2]Strontiumbromid {n}
chem. strontium carbonate [SrCO3]Strontiumcarbonat {n}
chem. strontium chloride [SrCl2]Strontiumchlorid {n}
chem. strontium chromate [SrCrO4]Strontiumchromat {n}
chem. strontium dibromide [SrBr2]Strontiumdibromid {n}
chem. strontium difluoride [SrF2]Strontiumdifluorid {n}
chem. strontium fluoride [SrF2]Strontiumfluorid {n}
chem. strontium hexaboride [SrB6]Strontiumhexaborid {n}
chem. strontium hydride [SrH2]Strontiumhydrid {n}
chem. strontium oxide [SrO]Strontiumoxid {n}
chem. strontium peroxide [SrO2]Strontiumperoxid {n}
chem. strontium telluride [SrTe]Strontiumtellurid {n}
chem. strontium titanate [SrTiO3]Strontiumtitanat {n}
chem. strontium sulfate [SrSO4] [Am.]Strontiumsulfat {n}
chem. strontium sulphate [SrSO4] [Br.]Strontiumsulfat {n}
chem. strontium tellurite [SrTeO3, O3SrTe]Strontiumtellurit {n}
entom. T
chem. strontium hydroxide [Sr(OH)2]Strontiumhydroxid {n}
chem. strontium isotopeStrontiumisotop {n} [auch: Strontium-Isotop]
chem. strontium nitrate [Sr(NO3)2]Strontiumnitrat {n}
orn. T
chem. strontium bromate [SrBr2O6, Sr(BrO3)2]Strontiumbromat {n}
arrant {adj} [attr.] [dated] [complete]Erz- [z. B. Erzheuchler, Erzschurke]
chem. strontium formate [C2H2SrO4, C2H2O4Sr, Sr(CHO2)2]Strontiumformiat {n}
mining to win ore from a mineErz aus einem Bergwerk gewinnen
entom. T
entom. T
orn. T
bibl. quote If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [1 Cor. 13:1; ESV 2001]Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete, und hätte der Liebe nicht, so wäre ich ein tönend Erz oder eine klingende Schelle. [1. Kor. 13,1; Luther 1912]
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