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English-German translation for: Subjective
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Dictionary English German: Subjective

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
ADJ   subjective | more subjective | most subjective
SYNO   immanent | subjective
subjective {adj}
subjective {adj} [unobjective]
2 Words
law subjective arbitrabilitysubjektive Schiedsfähigkeit {f}
audio subjective audiometrysubjektive Audiometrie {f}
philos. subjective body [in contrast to: objective body]Leib {m} [im Gegensatz zu: Körper]
med. subjective complaintssubjektive Beschwerden {pl}
subjective discomfortsubjektives Missempfinden {n}
ling. spec. subjective genitiveGenitivus {m} subjectivus
subjective gradingsubjektive Einstufung {f}
philos. subjective idealismsubjektiver Idealismus {m}
optics subjective refractionsubjektive Refraktion {f} [Abgleich, Brillenabgleich]
spec. subjective safetysubjektive Sicherheit {f}
spec. subjective securitysubjektive Sicherheit {f}
psych. subjective spiritsubjektiver Geist {m}
biol. zool. subjective synonymsubjektives Synonym {n}
psych. subjective timesubjektive Zeit {f}
subjective valuesubjektiver Wert {m}
3 Words
automot. subjective driving impressionsubjektiver Fahreindruck {m}
electr. RadioTV subjective video quality <SVQ>subjektive Videoqualität {f}
psych. subjective well-being <SWB>subjektives Wohlbefinden {n} <SWB>
4 Words
philos. subjective content of experiencesubjektiver Erlebnisgehalt {m}
5+ Words
Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.Die Meinung eines jeden ist zwangsläufig subjektiv.
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A 2023-12-12: Subjective camera perspective / Point-of-view (POV) shot technique
A 2021-02-27: Does not +access to art+ imply doing away with organizational hurdles rath...
A 2017-11-11: ... more of the 'subjective' in their work ...
Q 2016-05-06: Is the difference between using past tense or present perfect subjective s...
A 2016-04-06: meine Deutung bezieht sich auf den Gegensatz von "objective measurements" ...
A 2015-05-14: Uselessness is subjective ;-)
A 2014-07-14: 18:34 - so +triteness+ is subjective, but +In the U.S. no one would say "f...
Q 2013-07-26: I am very subjective to people.
A 2013-03-06: predicative nominal / (subjective) predicate noun
A 2012-02-26: @ Catesse My highly subjective impression
A 2012-01-08: Subjective/objective
A 2010-05-21: It is the nature of opinions to be subjective.
A 2010-03-25: The distinction between a hill and a mountain is unclear and largely subje...
A 2009-04-07: Sense refers to the faculty (to be able to hear, see, touch...) and a more...
A 2008-12-14: According to this version (objective sense) , according to my interpretati...
A 2008-04-05: Furthermore, he lacked subjective arbitrability
A 2007-10-03: the subjective sensation of pain is more pronounced
A 2007-07-31: subjective camera movement
A 2004-09-15: subjective lines
Q 2004-09-15: subjective lines

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