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English-German translation for: Such
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Dictionary English German: Such

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ADJ   such | more such | most such
such {pron}
solch [geh.] [so (ein)]
such {adv}
such {adj}
such {pron}
such {pron}
such {adj}
so [ugs.] [solche]
such {pron}
such {adj}dieser Art
2 Words: Others
all such {pron}alle solche
all such {pron}alle solchen [seltener] [alle solche]
and such ...und ähnliche ...
and such ...und derartige ...
another such sb./sth.noch so jd./etw.
as such {adv}schlechthin
as such {adv}schlichtweg
as such {adv}im eigentlichen Sinn
as such {adv}im eigentlichen Sinne
as such {adv}als solcher / solche / solches
as such {pron} [strictly speaking]an sich [im Grunde genommen]
As such, ... [Am.] [coll.] [Such being the case, ...]Von daher ...
some such {adj}irgend so ein / eine [ugs.]
such anothernoch einer
such as {conj}wie
such as {conj}wie beispielsweise
such as {conj}wie etwa
such as {conj}wie z. B.
such as {conj}als da sind [geh.]
such as {conj}als da wären [geh.]
such as {conj}wie zum Beispiel <z. B.>
Such as?Zum Beispiel?
Such as?Und was bitte?
such thatderart, dass
such that [positioned such that ...]so ..., dass [so positioniert, dass ...]
such that ...so, dass ...
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. FireResc SAR helicopterSuch- und Rettungshubschrauber {m}
such arrangementsdergleichen Vereinbarungen {pl}
such indemnityeine solche Garantie {f}
such reservesolcher Vorbehalt {m}
such stipulationsderartige Bedingungen {pl}
3 Words: Others
and such (like)und dergleichen <u. dgl.>
and such likeund derlei mehr
any / some such {pron}irgend solche [oft abwertend]
Get a job!Such dir 'nen Job! [ugs.]
Have your pick.Such dir etwas aus!
in such cases {adv}in solchen Fällen
in such circumstances {adv}in derartigen Fällen
in such moments {adv}in solchen Momenten
no such thingnichts dergleichen
nothing as such {adv}nichts dergleichen
of such goodssolcher Ware
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A 2024-01-30: The full name of such bill should have been entered
A 2023-05-14: Teacher's pet splitting on such a bad boy? Full marks!
A 2023-04-24: Back to 16:23 Such knowledge serves the purpose of preventing careless inf...
A 2023-04-09: Is the cause of state rights as such invalidated once it partly serves out...
A 2023-03-12: No such book in the colonies either. The English had to start over.
A 2023-02-20: such and such
A 2022-12-31: Such a fine fellow
A 2022-08-15: Normally +über uns hinaus.+ +über uns heraus+ seems to suggest that in suc...
A 2022-06-22: Thanks I knew there was a book with such title
Q 2022-05-28: To our native speakers: Can 'lattice' as such mean "Gitterfenster or "Gitt...
A 2022-04-18: By the bye, +dome+ may also mean: 2.1 A natural vault or canopy, such as t...
A 2021-12-27: At least in the UK, such statutes are always called +acts+
A 2021-12-19: "liebevoll" - which one would you classify as such?
A 2021-11-16: Such use of an apostrophe is old-fashioned.
A 2021-09-14: Subtle meanings require knowledge of the social fabric, in such case dicti...
A 2021-02-05: May you devour such rich food more than once a week?
A 2020-10-16: Such manly conduct, thoroughly worthy of the tradition of the Man Booker Prize.
A 2020-10-12: Quote \ If the distinction is made by +some+ Americans such usage would gi...
A 2020-10-02: As such, +water display+ would not bring to mind late-Renaissance / Baroque art
Q 2020-04-21: Such a + noun/ adj

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