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English-German translation for: TE
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Dictionary English German: TE

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NOUN   te | -
SYNO   si | te | ti | Te ... 
nth {adj} [attr.] [coll.]x-te [ugs.]
chem. mineral. tellurium <Te>
Tellur {n} <Te>
MedTech. tonsillectomyTonsillektomie {f} <TE>
2 Words: Nouns
electr. deep discharge <DD>Tiefenentladung {f} <TE> [auch: Tiefentladung]
MedTech. echo time <TE>Echozeit {f} [Messparameter]
med. Tangier disease <TGD>Tangier-Erkrankung {f} <TE>
med. TE speechTE-Stimme {f}
acad. telecom. telecommunications engineering <TCE, TE>Telekommunikationstechnik {f} <TKT, TT>
electr. telegraph equation <TE>Telegraphengleichung {f}
electr. telegrapher's equation <TE>Telegraphengleichung {f}
comp. telecom. terminal equipment <TE>Endeinrichtung {f} <EE>
phys. tertiary electron <TE>Tertiärelektron {n} <TE>
med. psych. VetMed. therapeutic effect <TE>Therapieeffekt {m}
med. pharm. therapeutic effect <TE>medizinische Wirksamkeit {f}
med. pharm. therapeutic effect <TE>therapeutische Wirksamkeit {f}
med. psych. VetMed. therapeutic effect <TE>therapeutischer Effekt {m}
med. therapy recommendationTherapieempfehlung {f} <TE>
Internet thread opener <TO>Threadersteller {m} <TE>
biochem. med. tissue engineering {sg} <TE>Gewebezüchtungen {pl}
biochem. tissue engineering <TE>Gewebekonstruktion {f} [Tissue Engineering]
biochem. spec. tissue engineering <TE>Tissue Engineering {n} <TE>
biotech. tissue engineering <TE>Tissue-Engineering {n} <TE>
med. toxicity equivalent <TE>Toxizitätsäquivalent {n}
jobs traffic traffic engineer <TE>Verkehrsingenieur {m}
jobs traffic traffic engineer <TE> [female]Verkehrsingenieurin {f}
training effect <TE>Trainingseffekt {m} <TE>
fin. transaction exposure <TE>Transaktionsrisiko {n}
acad. traffic transport engineering <TE>Verkehrsingenieurwesen {n} <VIW>
transp. transport unit <TU>Transporteinheit {f} <TE>
transp. transportation unit <TU>Transporteinheit {f} <TE>
MedTech. transversal plane <TP>Transversalebene {f} <TE>
3 Words: Nouns
lit. philos. Tao Te ChingTao-Te-King {n} [auch: Daodejing]
mus. relig. Te Deum (laudamus)Ambrosianischer Lobgesang {m}
math. the nth degreedie n-te Potenz {f}
math. the nth powerdie n-te Potenz {f}
med. tracheoesophageal substitute voice [Am.] <TE speech>tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme {f} <TE-Stimme>
4 Words: Nouns
med. tracheo-oesophageal substitute voice [Br.] <TE speech>tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme {f} <TE-Stimme>
5+ Words: Verbs
math. to take the n-th rootdie n-te Wurzel ziehen
5+ Words: Nouns
math. (x to the) power (of n)(n-te) Potenz {f} (von x)
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A 2015-12-27: Soll ..... ohne -te all are fine, depends to whom you speak .....
A 2015-05-18: common typo for "umpteenth" = das X-te mal
A 2014-09-11: It doesn't say anything about muss or soll(te).
Q 2012-12-14: Schwulst die 2.te
Q 2012-10-29: Warum einfach, wenns … die x.te
A 2012-08-17: On ne peut pas te répondre par mail. (Failure Notice)
A 2010-12-04: Bella - anche l'inglese a bisogno di te
A 2009-12-12: Typos: Chi non +te+ vede, ei non +te+ pregia.
Q 2009-09-19: ...dominant approaches within te major areas... + content structuring t...
A 2009-09-02: If you'te talking about a plan, it's best to avoid 'will'
A 2009-07-04: Vielleicht muss TE erst gegründet werden, worauf der Mitarbeiter dann sein...
A 2009-05-11: ...how to go +to+ the toilet(-te) (AE/BE), because nobody wants to soil h...
A 2009-05-06: Pas d'idolâtrie, s'il te plaît
Q 2009-04-27: Soll(te) er doch!
Q 2008-12-12: @Allan - salve, è da un bel po' che non ti vedo - stai bene? Se non ci sen...
A 2008-11-13: anche a te .....
A 2008-11-13: a proposito - complimenti per il tuo italiano, mi fanno piacere le due chi...
Q 2008-11-13: at Allan - certo, ho capito - assolutamente ovvio - all right then :-) buo...
Q 2008-11-04: Was bedeutet die deutsche Abkuerzung TE in diesem Fall? (Transporteinheit ...
A 2008-10-31: Flanell ist auch aus Baumwolle, aufgerau(h)te Baumwolle, genau gesagt.

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