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English-German translation for: Tarzans geheimer Schatz
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Dictionary English German: Tarzans geheimer Schatz

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

film F Tarzan's Secret Treasure [Richard Thorpe]Tarzans geheimer Schatz
Partial Matches
film F Tarzan Escapes [Richard Thorpe]Tarzans Rache
film F Tarzan's Greatest Adventure [John Guillermin]Tarzans größtes Abenteuer
film F Tarzan's New York Adventure [also: Tarzan Against the World] [Richard Thorpe]Tarzans Abenteuer in New York
more secret {adj}geheimer
secret componentgeheimer Bestandteil {m}
snake in the grass [coll.] [pej.] [secret enemy]geheimer Feind {m}
secret enemygeheimer Gegner {m}
leakergeheimer Informant {m}
mil. pol. covert wargeheimer Krieg {m}
pol. privy counsellorgeheimer Kronrat {m}
secret placegeheimer Ort {m}
covert schemegeheimer Plan {m}
Privy CouncilGeheimer Rat {m}
secret retreatgeheimer Schlupfwinkel {m}
safe house [hideout for terrorists etc.]geheimer Unterschlupf {m}
hidden persuadergeheimer Verführer {m}
conventiclegeheimer Versammlungsort {m}
law mental reservationgeheimer Vorbehalt {m}
secret doubtgeheimer Zweifel {m}
RadioTV F Secret SquirrelGeheimer Eichkater
privy councilor [Am.]Geheimer Rat {m} [Person]
on a secret mission {adv}auf geheimer Mission
law pol. by secret ballot {adv}in geheimer Abstimmung
in conclave {adv}in geheimer Beratung
on a secret mission {adv}in geheimer Mission
film F Strategic Air Command [Anthony Mann]In geheimer Kommandosache
pol. secret agreementgeheimer Revers {m} [Abkommen, Verpflichtung]
an open sesame toein geheimer Schlüssel {m} zu
RadioTV F Mission: Impossible [TV series]In geheimer Mission [Fernsehserie]
film F Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me [Jay Roach]Austin PowersSpion in geheimer Missionarsstellung
RadioTV F Voyage to the Bottom of the SeaDie SeaviewIn geheimer Mission / Mission Seaview
darlingSchatz {m}
hoard [treasure]Schatz {m}
treasureSchatz {m}
macushla [Irish] [form of address]Schatz {m} [Anrede]
doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind person]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
honey [person]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
hunny [esp. Am.] [spv.]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
jewel [person] [dated]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
lovey [coll.]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
luv [Br.] [coll.]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
precious [darling]Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
sweetheartSchatz {m} [Kosewort]
sweetieSchatz {m} [Kosewort]
baby-cakes [Am.] [sl.]Schatz {m} [Liebling]
duck [Br.] [coll.] [darling]Schatz {m} [Liebling]
ducks [Br.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [darling]Schatz {m} [Liebling]
babe [coll.]Schatz {m} [ugs.]
my dear honeymein Schatz
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