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English-German translation for: Techno-Szene
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Dictionary English German: Techno Szene

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NOUN   die Techno-Szene | [selten] die Techno-Szenen
SEE ALSO  technoszene
cloth. mus. techno sceneTechno-Szene {f}
Partial Matches
mus. technoTechno {m} [selten {n}]
mus. techno partyTechno-Party {f}
cloth. mus. techno sceneTechnoszene {f}
dance to ravezu Techno-Musik tanzen
mus. techno musicTechnomusik {f} [auch: Techno-Musik]
technology buff [coll.]Techno-Freak {m} [kurz für: Technologie-Freak]
film F The Wrong Trousers [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitDie Techno-Hose
sceneSzene {f}
theatre tableau [fig.]Szene {f}
theatre setSzene {f} [Bühnenbild]
varied sceneabwechslungsreiche Szene {f}
varied scenebunte Szene {f}
droll scenedrollige Szene {f}
pathetic sceneergreifende Szene {f}
poignant sceneerschütternde Szene {f}
domestic scenehäusliche Szene {f}
art rural sceneländliche Szene {f}
re-enactmentnachgestellte Szene {f}
film lit. obligatory sceneobligatorische Szene {f}
survivalist-movementPrepper-Szene {f}
sociol. in-crowdSchickimicki-Szene {f}
painful sceneschmerzliche Szene {f}
dark cultureSchwarze Szene {f}
aggrandized sceneübertriebene Szene {f}
art wintry scenewinterliche Szene {f}
argument [row]Szene {f} [Streit, Auseinandersetzung]
sociol. dark alternative sceneSchwarze Szene {f}
idiom to raise Caineine Szene machen
theatre to realize the scenedie Szene erarbeiten
to shift the scenedie Szene wechseln
film to film a sceneeine Szene filmen
to create a sceneeine Szene machen
idiom to make a sceneeine Szene machen
film to reshoot a sceneeine Szene nachdrehen
theatre to rehearse a sceneeine Szene proben
theatre to arrange a sceneeine Szene stellen
theatre to cut a sceneeine Szene streichen
film reshooting a sceneNachdrehen {n} einer Szene
mus. New Music sceneNeue-Musik-Szene {f}
art bibl. biblical scene [also: Biblical scene]biblische Szene {f}
pol. sociol. left-wing scenelinke Szene {f} [soziales Umfeld]
pol. sociol. right-wing scenerechte Szene {f} [soziales Umfeld]
film to open up a sceneeine Szene ausweiten
film retake (of a scene)Nachdrehen {n} einer Szene
milieu [collective of supporters and sympathizers]Szene {f} [Milieu]
to arrive on the sceneauf der Szene auftauchen
to arrive on the sceneauf der Szene erscheinen
idiom getting away from it allWechsel {m} der ganzen Szene
theatre to applaud during a / the sceneBeifall auf offener Szene klatschen
idiom to make a scene in front of sb.jdm. eine Szene machen
to draw attention to sb./sth.jdn./etw. in Szene setzen [Redewendung]
to know the scene [coll.]sichAkk. in der Szene auskennen [ugs.]
a scene that could have come straight from a movieeine filmreife Szene {f} [fig.]
sociol. soccer hooligan scene [esp. Am.]Fußball-Hooligan-Szene {f}
behind the scenes {adv} [also fig.]hinter der Szene [auch fig.]
photo. to capture a scene [fig.]eine Szene einfangen [fig.] [bildhaft festhalten]
theatre to stage sth. [also fig.]etw. in Szene setzen [auch fig.]
to enter the scene [fig.] [become involved]die Szene betreten [fig.] [aktiv werden]
to put sb./sth. in the limelight [idiom]jdn./etw. in Szene setzen [Redewendung]
dating sceneDating-Szene {f} [auch: Datingszene]
film post-credits scenePost-Credit-Szene {f}
Don't go making a scene! [coll.] [fig.]Mach bloß keine Szene! [ugs.] [fig.]
The scene which was enacted yesterday ... [fig.]Die Szene, die sich gestern abgespielt hat ... [fig.]
sociol. ... scene [music scene, drug scene, etc.]-szene {f} [Musikszene, Drogenszene etc.]
She must always play to the gallery and be the center of interest. [Am.]Sie muss sich immer in Szene setzen und Mittelpunkt des Interesses sein.
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