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English-German translation for: Technological
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Dictionary English German: Technological

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
ADJ   technological | more technological | most technological
SYNO   technical | technological
technological {adj}
technological {adj}
mil. technological {adj}wehrtechnisch
2 Words: Others
mining mining technological {adj}bergbautechnologisch
pre-technological {adj}vortechnisch
for. material wood-technological {adj}holztechnologisch
2 Words: Nouns
technological achievementtechnische Errungenschaft {f}
technological advancetechnischer Fortschritt {m}
technological changetechnische Änderung {f}
tech. technological changetechnischer Wandel {m}
technological changetechnologische Änderung {f}
technological changetechnologische Veränderung {f}
tech. technological changetechnologischer Wandel {m}
technological changestechnische Veränderungen {pl}
technological changesÄnderungen {pl} der technischen Verfahrensweisen
tech. technological consequencesTechnikfolgen {pl}
technological determinismTechnikdeterminismus {m}
technological determinismtechnologischer Determinismus {m}
tech. technological developmentTechnikentwicklung {f}
technological gaptechnologische Lücke {f}
technological gaptechnologischer Abstand {m}
technological gaptechnologischer Rückstand {m}
hist. tech. technological historyTechnikgeschichte {f}
technological imperativetechnologischer Imperativ {m}
technological improvement {sg} [collectively]technische Fortschritte {pl}
technological innovationtechnische Innovation {f}
technological integrationtechnische Integrierung {f}
hist. tech. technological museumTechnikmuseum {n}
technological obsolescencetechnologische Veralterung {f}
technological possibilitiestechnische Möglichkeiten {pl}
tech. technological potentialTechnologiepotential {n}
technological processtechnologisches Verfahren {n}
technological productstechnische Produkte {pl}
technological progresstechnischer Fortschritt {m}
technological progresstechnologische Entwicklung {f}
technological progresstechnologischer Fortschritt {m}
technological recessiontechnologischer Niedergang {m}
technological satellitetechnologischer Satellit {m}
tech. technological singularitytechnologische Singularität {f}
mil. technological warfaretechnologische Kriegsführung {f}
3 Words: Others
large-scale technological {adj} [e.g. systems, risks]großtechnisch [z. B. Systeme, Risiken]
4 Words: Nouns
research and technological development <RTD>Forschung {f} und technische Entwicklung <FTE>
5+ Words: Nouns
EU Framework Programme (for Research and Technological Development) <FP>Forschungsrahmenprogramm {n} <FRP>
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A 2020-06-08: Vielleicht: Verfangenheit in der Technik > technological entanglement
A 2013-12-13: milling and feed processing technological supervisor? ;)
A 2013-02-27: Technological bunny
A 2011-09-13: Usage does not always keep up with technological advances
Q 2010-10-08: technical, technological and power installations of buildings, sphere of "...
A 2009-07-15: And then, there are 'technological marbles', too.
A 2009-07-15: Technological miracle is used, too.
Q 2009-05-15: Technological development
A 2009-03-12: I wouldn't use "technological" together with solutions here
A 2009-03-12: Ich würde "we additionally offer interesting technological solutions" schreiben
A 2008-01-03: ? technological work techniques
A 2007-10-11: @ Proteus: "technology, technological"
A 2007-10-11: Bah: Its technological focus / orientation makes it ideally suited for
A 2007-10-11: Its technological focus / orientation (ideally) makes it ideally suited for
A 2007-10-11: Its technological focus / orientation (ideally) recommends it for
A 2007-05-14: A claim to technological leadership
Q 2006-11-10: These two factors are the quality of outcomes and the technological status...
A 2006-11-03: is undergoing a (technological) sea change
A 2006-08-14: stands for great merits in technological advancement in oil prod'n?
A 2006-07-22: One must be careful with sofware so as to its likability of being affected...

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