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English-German translation for: Telecommunications
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Dictionary English German: Telecommunications

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NOUN1   telecommunications | -
NOUN2   a telecommunication | telecommunications
educ. telecom. telecommunications {pl}
Telekommunikation {f}
electr. engin. telecom. telecommunications
Nachrichtentechnik {f}
telecom. telecommunications
Fernmeldewesen {n}
telecommunicationsFernmeldetechnik {f}
2 Words: Nouns
optical telecommunicationsoptische Fernmeldetechnik {f}
law telecom. Telecommunications ActTelekommunikationsgesetz {n} <TKG>
telecom. telecommunications cableTelekommunikationskabel {n}
telecom. telecommunications companyFernmeldegesellschaft {f}
econ. telecommunications companyTelekommunikationsgesellschaft {f}
telecom. telecommunications connectionTelekommunikationsanschluss {m}
telecom. telecommunications electronicTelekommunikationselektronik {f}
jobs telecom. telecommunications engineerNachrichtentechniker {m}
jobs telecom. telecommunications engineer [female]Nachrichtentechnikerin {f}
acad. telecom. telecommunications engineering <TCE, TE>Telekommunikationstechnik {f} <TKT, TT>
telecom. telecommunications equipment {sg}Fernübertragungseinrichtungen {pl}
telecom. telecommunications facilityTelekommunikationsanlage {f}
comp. econ. telecom. telecommunications groupTelekommunikationskonzern {m}
telecommunications industryTelekommunikationsbranche {f}
electr. telecom. telecommunications lineTelekommunikationsleitung {f}
telecom. telecommunications networkTelekommunikationsnetz {n}
telecom. telecommunications operatorFernmeldegesellschaft {f}
ind. telecom. telecommunications operatorTelekommunikationsanbieter {m} [Firma]
mil. telecom. telecommunications postFernmeldeposten {m}
ind. telecom. telecommunications providerTelekommunikationsanbieter {m} <Tk-Anbieter> [Firma]
telecommunications satelliteTelefonsatellit {m} [veraltet]
telecommunications satelliteTelekommunikationssatellit {m}
telecom. telecommunications secrecyFernmeldegeheimnis {n}
econ. telecom. telecommunications sectorTelekommunikationsbranche {f}
telecom. telecommunications sectorTelekommunikationssektor {m}
econ. telecom. telecommunications sectorTelekomsektor {m}
telecommunications serviceFernmeldedienst {m}
telecommunications serviceTelekommunikationsdienst {m}
comp. telecom. telecommunications softwareTelekommunikationssoftware {f} [auch: Telekommunikations-Software]
telecom. telecommunications solutionTelekommunikationslösung {f}
telecom. telecommunications systemTelekommunikationssystem {n}
3 Words: Nouns
EU telecom. European Telecommunications Standard <ETS>Europäische Telekommunikationsnorm {f}
International Telecommunications Union <ITU>Internationaler Fernmeldeverein {m}
comp. law telecom. secrecy of telecommunicationsFernmeldegeheimnis {n}
law telecom. Telecommunication / Telecommunications ActFernmeldegesetz {n} [schweiz.] <FMG>
telecom. telecommunications connection unit <TCU>Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit {f} <TAE>
telecommunications service provider <TSP>Fernmeldedienstanbieter {m} <FDA> [schweiz.] [Telekommunikationsdienstleister]
4 Words: Nouns
EU telecom. European Telecommunications Standards Institute <ETSI>Europäisches Institut {n} für Telekommunikationsnormen
law telecom. Telecommunications Act of 1996 [USA]Telecommunications Act {m} von 1996 [USA]
comm. Universal Mobile Telecommunications System <UMTS>Universal Mobile Telecommunications System <UMTS> {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
law telecom. (German) Ordinance Concerning Telecommunications Licence Fees [Br.]Telekommunikations-Lizenzgebührenverordnung {f} <TKLGebV>
law telecom. (German) Telecommunications Customer Protection OrdinanceTelekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung {f} <TKV>
law telecom. (German) Telecommunications Data Protection OrdinanceTelekommunikations-Datenschutzverordnung {f} <TDSV>
law pol. (German) Telecommunications Rates Regulation OrdinanceEntgeltregulierungsverordnung {f} <TEntgV> [kurz für: Telekommunikations-Entgeltregulierungsverordnung]
law telecom. (German) Telecommunications Universal Service OrdinanceTelekommunikations-Universaldienstleistungsverordnung {f} <TUDLV>
EU European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations <CEPT> [CEPT: Conférence européenne des administrations des postes et des télécommunications]Europäische Konferenz {f} der Verwaltungen für Post und Telekommunikation
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Q 2018-04-01: Förderkarte in telecommunications
Q 2014-08-21: Telecommunications term: Vermitteln
A 2012-07-03: Example: an international telecommunications business calls itself "The Ph...
A 2011-10-31: telecommunicationS engineer/technician
Q 2008-03-13: data processing / telecommunications: The use of placenames requires a tra...
Q 2008-02-19: Terminierungsgebühren (telecommunications)
A 2007-07-22: In this decline > bei diesem Rückgang / Verfall; TMT > technology, media a...
A 2007-05-27: Telecommunications Services Data Protection Act
A 2007-04-11: it does but Im not sure about in telecommunications...
Q 2007-04-10: Nutzungskontrolle mit Zurordnung - telecommunications software
A 2007-02-02: my view on the world of technology, in the field of telecommunications
A 2006-11-05: And it seems to be a lot more general than just for telecommunications and...
A 2006-09-07: Telecommunications Service Act / Media State Treaty
A 2006-08-08: telecommunications market
A 2006-07-23: also: telecommunications tower
A 2006-06-27: telecommunications entrance space, plant room, optical fibre cables
Q 2005-06-21: UE (telecommunications

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