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English-German translation for: Temperaturen im Februar
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Dictionary English German: Temperaturen im Februar

Translation 1 - 50 of 6072  >>

meteo. temperatures in FebruaryTemperaturen {pl} im Februar
Partial Matches
meteo. temperatures in JuneTemperaturen {pl} im Juni
meteo. temperatures in MayTemperaturen {pl} im Mai
meteo. temperatures in OctoberTemperaturen {pl} im Oktober
at the beginning of February {adv}Anfang Februar
early in February {adv}Anfang Februar
in early February {adv}Anfang Februar
at the end of February {adv}Ende Februar
in late February {adv}Ende Februar
in mid-February / mid February {adv}Mitte Februar
in the middle of February {adv}Mitte Februar
month of FebruaryMonat {m} Februar
February <Feb.>Februar {m} <Feb., Febr.>
mid-February {adj} [attr.]Mitte Februar [nachgestellt]
since mid-February {adv}seit Mitte Februar
temperaturesTemperaturen {pl}
freezing temperatureseisige Temperaturen {pl}
sinking temperaturesfallende Temperaturen {pl}
varying temperatureswechselnde Temperaturen {pl}
at these temperatures {adv}bei diesen Temperaturen
at high temperatures {adv}bei hohen Temperaturen
hot summery temperaturessommerlich heiße Temperaturen {pl}
meteo. at sub-freezing temperatures {adv}bei Temperaturen unter Null
material tech. high-temperature resistanceBeständigkeit {f} gegen hohe Temperaturen
material tech. resistance to high temperaturesBeständigkeit {f} gegen hohe Temperaturen
seasonable temperaturesder Jahreszeit entsprechende Temperaturen {pl}
sub-zero temperaturesTemperaturen {pl} unter dem Nullpunkt
He was born on February 7, 1931.Er erblickte am 7. Februar 1931 das Licht der Welt.
Temperatures are given in degrees Celsius.Die Temperaturen werden in Grad Celsius angegeben.
material tech. high-temperature performance of sth.Leistungsverhalten {n} von etw.Dat. bei hohen Temperaturen
material tech. low-temperature performance of sth.Leistungsverhalten {n} von etw.Dat. bei niedrigen Temperaturen
material tech. low-temperature performance of sth.Leistungsverhalten {n} von etw.Dat. bei tiefen Temperaturen
contrary to {prep}im Gegensatz zu [+Dat.] <im Ggs. zu>
at (the) {prep}im
in (the) {prep}im <i.>
econ. educ. industrial management <IM>Industriemanagement {n} <IM>
econ. educ. infrastructural management <IM>Infrastrukturmanagement {n} <IM>
comp. infrastructure management <IM>Infrastrukturmanagement {n} <IM>
math. squared {adj} [number](im) Quadrat
educ. at evening classes {adv}im Abendunterricht
rail transp. at the dispatching station {adv}im Abgangsbahnhof
in the case of death {adv}im Ablebensfall
sports on the sidelines {adv}im Abseits
on an eight-year cycle {adv}im Achtjahresturnus
among the aristocracy {adv}im Adel
during the Advent season {adv}im Advent
law in the heat of passion {adv}im Affekt
law on impulse {adv}im Affekt
in the event of an alarm {adv}im Alarmfall
single-handedly {adv}im Alleingang
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• Temperaturen im Februar
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