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| term {adj} [limited in time] | 489 befristet | |
Verbs |
| to term | 1429 benennen | |
| to term | 577 bezeichnen | |
| to term sth. | 166 etw.Akk. nennen [benennen, bezeichnen] | |
Nouns |
| ling. term | 3196 Begriff {m} | |
| term [length of time] | 1350 Zeitdauer {f} | |
| educ. term | 1096 Semester {n} | |
| term [condition] | 585 Bedingung {f} | |
| ling. term | 518 Ausdruck {m} | |
| pol. term | 356 Amtszeit {f} | |
| ling. term [designation] | 353 Bezeichnung {f} | |
| acad. educ. term | 331 Trimester {n} | |
| pol. term | 251 Legislaturperiode {f} | |
| term [fixed date] | 234 Termin {m} | |
| ling. term | 159 Fachbegriff {m} | |
| term [time limit, period] | 154 Frist {f} | |
| term [duration] | 152 Dauer {f} | |
| term [period of validity, running time etc.] | 151 Laufzeit {f} | |
| law term [clause, proviso] | 120 Klausel {f} | |
| law term [in a contract or treaty] | 85 Bestimmung {f} [in Verträgen] | |
| law term [prison term] | 85 Freiheitsstrafe {f} | |
| ling. term [technical, specialist] | 68 Fachausdruck {m} | |
| math. term | 51 Term {m} | |
| ling. term | 35 Terminus {m} | |
| law term | 28 Sitzungsperiode {f} [eines Gerichts] | |
| sports term | 25 Saison {f} | |
| med. term | 22 Geburtstermin {m} | |
| sports term | 13 Spielzeit {f} [Saison] | |
| math. term [in an equation] | 11 Glied {n} [in einer Gleichung] | |
| archi. art term | 10 Herme {f} [ohne Phallus] | |
| term [part of a definition, explanation] | 6 Begriffselement {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| med. ... at term {adv} [e.g. labor, C-section] | ... am Termin [z. B. Wehentätigkeit, Sektio] | |
| fixed-term {adj} | befristet | |
| fixed-term {adj} | mit fester Laufzeit [nachgestellt] | |
| fin. intermediate-term {adj} | mittelfristig | |
| long term {adj} | nachhaltig | |
| long-term {adj} | langfristig | |
| long-term {adj} | Langzeit- | |
| long-term {adj} | langzeitig | |
| long-term {adj} | auf lange Dauer angelegt | |
| long-term {adj} [over a period of years] | langjährig | |
| longer-term {adj} | längerfristig | |
| medium-term {adj} | mittelfristig | |
| medium-term {adj} | von mittlerer Laufzeit [nachgestellt] | |
| mid-term {adj} | in der Mitte der Laufzeit | |
| middle-term {adj} | mittelfristig | |
| near-term {adj} | kurzfristig | |
| near-term {adj} | nahe an der Fälligkeit | |
| near-term {adj} [attr.] [for, covering, or involving the very near future] | zeitnah [die unmittelbaren Zukunft betreffend] | |
| VetMed. zool. near-term {adj} [cow] | nähig [schweiz.] [z. B. nähige Kuh, nähiges Rind] | |
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Forum A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th... A 2024-03-11: I see the term as "Mensch-SEIN" , our existence as a human being - personhood A 2024-01-23: "Bildungsverantwortlicher" is mainly a political term; sometimes adopted b... A 2023-11-13: allgemein, z. B. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wontfix Q 2023-08-15: Which EN term is more common? - pronouncing dictionary? - pronunciation di... A 2023-05-01: I'm not aware of the term "esoterics", the current translations seem to be... A 2023-04-24: Legally, I am afraid, the term is (cf. 19:51) +stopping prohibited > absol... A 2023-02-20: the term also covers repairs and maintenance work A 2022-11-10: here, "aufwerten" is a wishi-washi term: to make more relevant, important ... A 2022-03-29: Couldn't find the term +cassette bearing+ on the net. A 2022-03-26: Einige Vorschläge zu Rohprodukt aus der +Term Bank+ https://tureng.com/de/... Q 2022-03-18: The secrets of a French term A 2022-03-11: frammis - Something, generally a device, for which one does not know the p... A 2021-12-04: 1.) & 2.) Self-control Relation – alright as an abbreviated term A 2021-10-24: Eine Auswahl hier im Langenscheidt: https://de.langenscheidt.com/deutsch-e... A 2021-10-08: Invention of a term. A 2021-09-30: Lexico does not treat +tractable+ as a technical term in maths A 2021-09-06: The homage +nation of shopkeepers,+ paid to the 19th-c. UK, may well have ... Q 2021-07-18: a new term: regen ag (regenerative agriculture) - nachhaltige Landwirtschaft A 2021-06-04: In summary—overdrafts are good for short-term operating expenses and loans...
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