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English-German translation for: Territory
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Dictionary English German: Territory

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NOUN   a territory | territories
SYNO   soil | territory | district ... 
Gebiet {n}
zool. territory
Revier {n}
geogr. pol. territory
Hoheitsgebiet {n}
Territorium {n}
Bereich {m} {n}
Landschaft {f}
Boden {m} [Territorium]
Herrschaftsbereich {m}
territory [dominion]
Herrschaftsgebiet {n}
Geltungsbereich {m}
geogr. territory
Raum {m} [Gebiet]
Territorian [Aus.]Bewohner {m} des Northern Territory [Australien]
pol. territoryHerrschaftsraum {m}
territoryLand {n} [Gebiet]
territory [esp. fig.] [e. g. sphere of action]Terrain {n} [bes. fig.] [z. B. Aktionsbereich]
2 Words: Verbs
to regain territoryGebiet wieder zurückgewinnen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. acceding territoryBeitrittsgebiet {n}
agent's territoryVertreterbezirk {m}
pol. associated territoryassoziiertes Gebiet {n}
orn. zool. autumn territoryHerbstrevier {n}
hist. bandit territory [German occupied territories in World War II. in which resistance groups were active]Bandengebiet {n} [Nazi-Terminologie]
Bavarian territorybayerisches Staatsgebiet {n}
Bavarian territorybayrisches Staatsgebiet {n} [Rsv.]
orn. breeding territoryBrutrevier {n}
British territorybritisches Gebiet {n}
geogr. hist. Celtic territoryKeltengebiet {n}
colonial territoryKolonialgebiet {n}
conquered territoryerobertes Gebiet {n}
law contract territoryVertragsgebiet {n}
core territoryKerngebiet {n}
zool. courtship territoryBalzrevier {n}
geogr. hist. crown territoryKronland {n}
customs territoryZollgebiet {n}
debatable territoryumstrittenes Gebiet {n}
domestic territoryInlandsgebiet {n}
economic territoryWirtschaftsgebiet {n}
mil. enemy territoryFeindesland {n}
mil. enemy territoryFeindgebiet {n}
federal territoryBundesgebiet {n}
geogr. geol. hilly territoryhügeliges Gelände {n}
home territory [fig.]Stammland {n}
zool. home territory [of an animal]alltäglicher Lebensraum {m} [eines Tieres]
mil. hostile territoryFeindgebiet {n}
hist. Idaho TerritoryIdaho-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1863-1890)]
zool. individual territoryIndividualterritorium {n}
leased territoryPachtgebiet {n}
law licenced territory [Br.] [Can.] [spv.]Vertragsgebiet {n}
law licensed territoryVertragsgebiet {n}
male territorymännliches Territorium {n}
mandated territoryMandatsgebiet {n}
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A 2016-03-06: the future is an uncharted land / territory
Q 2014-04-01: When a PO is getting cut from another territory
A 2013-04-23: territory
A 2012-07-06: or, for people with less fluent Latin: unchartered territory / terrain / land
A 2011-05-02: Whereever Troy was, today it is Turkish territory.
A 2011-03-05: Das hieße dann: provide for (imposing) paying agent obligations on a trust...
A 2011-03-05: Under which conditions do your implementing rules provide for paying agent...
A 2010-07-06: suggest: without limitation of scope, territory or time
A 2010-06-30: http://www.dict.cc/?s=stake+out+territory
A 2010-05-08: Deep in slang territory
A 2010-03-04: Perhaps: as close as possible to the territory / as close to the front lin...
A 2010-01-28: the territory serviced / visited
A 2010-01-28: territory instead of area, OK
A 2010-01-28: AE: territory
A 2009-08-30: In other words, had the territory of the P-AB. of Salzburg been his whole ...
A 2009-07-29: typo: its territory (it's = it is)
A 2009-05-14: We're deep into Rumsfeld territory
A 2009-04-08: support your territory
A 2009-01-07: Outside the UK: Cannot play media. Sorry, this media is not available in y...
A 2008-11-12: territory, authority, maybe even control

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