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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: Therapieadhärenz bei
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Therapieadhärenz bei

Translation 1 - 50 of 2376  >>

Keywords contained
med. psych. adherence to therapy in / with ... [e.g. schizophrenia]Therapieadhärenz {f} bei ... [z. B. Schizophrenie]
Partial Matches
med. therapy adherenceTherapieadhärenz {f}
at {prep}bei
care of <c/o>bei
chez {prep} [Am.] [often hum.] [at, at the home of, at the business place of]bei
in {prep}bei
next to {prep}bei
on {prep}bei
upon {prep}bei
with {prep}bei
accessory {adj}Bei-
by {prep} [near / beside]bei [+Dat.]
present atanwesend bei
comm. transp. on delivery {adv}bei Anlieferung
when placing the order {adv}bei Auftragserteilung
on delivery {adv} [of a document, letter, parcel etc.]bei Aushändigung
tech. at intermittent duty {adv}bei Aussetzbetrieb
med. pharm. as needed {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata]bei Bedarf
if and when the need arises {adv}bei Bedarf
if required {adv}bei Bedarf
on demand {adv}bei Bedarf
when necessary {adv}bei Bedarf
when needed {adv}bei Bedarf
when required {adv}bei Bedarf
at a touch {adv}bei Berührung
conscious {adj} [mental faculties not dulled]bei Besinnung
in the event of a bed shortage {adv}bei Bettenknappheit
on payment {adv}bei Bezahlung
stocks at the close {adv}bei Börsenschluss
stocks at the close of the market {adv}bei Börsenschluss
in whichbei denen
upon entering into office {adv}bei Dienstantritt
at dark {adv}bei Dunkelheit
in the dark {adv}bei Dunkelheit
in the darkness {adv}bei Dunkelheit
at dusk {adv}bei Dunkelwerden
at night-fall {adv} [spv.] [archaic]bei Dunkelwerden
at nightfall {adv}bei Dunkelwerden
with the fall of darknessbei Dunkelwerden
at low water {adv}bei Ebbe
when the tide is out {adv}bei Ebbe
at the opening {adv}bei Eröffnung
on opening {adv}bei Eröffnung
at maturity {adv}bei Fälligkeit
on maturity {adv}bei Fälligkeit
fin. when due {adv}bei Fälligkeit
on family visits {adv}bei Familienbesuchen
on completion {adv}bei Fertigstellung
FireResc in (the) case of fire {adv}bei Feuer
med. at fever heat {adv}bei Fiebertemperatur
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• Therapieadhärenz bei

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