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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: These
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Dictionary English German: These

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PRON  this | this | - ... 
NOUN   die These | die Thesen
SYNO   Ansicht | Behauptung | These ... 
these {pl} {pron}
diese {pl}
these {pron}
die [Demonstrativpronomen, Plural] [diese]
proposition [argument]
These {f}
thesis [argument, hypothesis]
These {f}
These {f} [Annahme]
These {f} [Behauptung]
These {f}
These {f} [Theorie]
2 Words: Others
among these {adv}unter diesen
of these {adv}davon [von diesen]
of thesevon denen
These are ...Das sind ...
These are: ...Als da sind / wären: ... [geh.]
these days {adv}derzeit [zur Zeit, gegenwärtig]
these days {adv}heutzutage
these days {adv}dieser Tage
these days {adv}zur Zeit [alt] <z. Z., z. Zt.>
these days {adv}in unseren Tagen
these days {adv} [at the present time]zurzeit <zz., zzt.> [gegenwärtig]
these includediese beinhalten
These include ...Darunter ...
These include ...Darunter auch ...
These include ...Dies sind unter anderem ...
These include...Hierzu gehören ...
these very {pl} {pron}ebendiese {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
hist. American frontierism [Turner's Thesis]Turners These {f} [Frontierthese]
bold hypothesissteile These {f} [ugs.]
acad. key assumptionzentrale These {f}
law these presentsvorliegende Urkunde {f}
hist. Turner's thesis [frontier thesis]Turners These {f} [Frontierthese]
3 Words: Others
... like these / those [German plural; e.g. jackets / dresses like these / those]sone ... [ugs.] [solche; z. B. sone Jacken / Kleider]
along these lines {adv}ungefähr so
along these lines {adv}in diesem Sinne
at these temperatures {adv}bei diesen Temperaturen
Check these figures!Überprüfe diese Zahlen!
despite these problems {adv}trotz dieser Probleme
for these purposes {adv}zu diesem Zweck
in these climes [fig.] [expression]in diesen Breiten [Redewendung]
in these days {adv}an diesen Tagen
in these instances {adv}in diesen Fällen
in these parts {adv}hier in der Gegend
in these quarters {adv}in dieser Gegend
on these grounds {adv}deshalb
on these grounds {adv}aus diesen Gründen
on these terms {adv}zu diesen Bedingungen
The assumption is ...Die These lautet ...
The thesis is ...Die These lautet, ...
These / Those same ...Dieselben ...
These / Those same ...Genau diese ...
These pestilential flies!Diese elenden Fliegen!
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Q 2024-02-08: How to say these in German? Thanks for letting ...
A 2023-11-29: she protested strongly against these suspicions
A 2023-10-20: “they” is a wrong, and stupid, duck. All these gender neutral, gender obs...
A 2023-10-18: If these are lines in the play, IMO, technical accuracy and cosistency are...
Q 2023-09-23: Are these vowels used in DE messaging as emojis? äöüÜ
A 2023-03-28: Nonetheless, it's not really germane to the discussion. These terms are ob...
A 2022-04-16: In these circumstances, a review of the description may be dispensed with.
A 2022-04-08: Eine These halten: daran festhalten
A 2022-04-06: meine These:
A 2022-01-25: Thanks, these are all very helpful
A 2021-11-24: Many thanks for these excellent recommendations!
A 2021-10-25: ich hatte geschwankt, ob man "dieser" mit "these" oder "those" übersetzen ...
A 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come, greeting: +these presents > this do...
Q 2021-09-16: To whom all these presents shall come greeting
A 2021-08-27: These guys must be bald.
A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
A 2021-03-24: These are all (slightly) different things
A 2021-03-24: One more - Please Look at these exact matches:
A 2021-01-10: I assume it's a mint scented one of these:
Q 2021-01-06: The most important of these channels were the social actions secretaries...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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