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English-German translation for: Tipping
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Dictionary English German: Tipping

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NOUN   tipping | -
VERB  to tip | tipped | tipped ... 
Ablagerung {f}
Bestückung {f}
2 Words: Others
No tipping! [Br.]Müll abladen verboten!
tipping (over) {pres-p}kippend
2 Words: Nouns
dent. buccal tippingBukkalkippung {f}
cow tippingKuhschubsen {n}
dent. dental tippingZahnkippung {f}
ecol. fly tipping [Br.]illegale Abfallentsorgung {f}
fly-tipping [Br.]illegales Müllabladen {n}
tipping angleKippwinkel {m}
mining tipping backfillSturzversatz {m}
tipping chartKippkarren {m}
transp. tipping chassisKippchassis {n}
ecol. phys. tipping element [in the climate system]Kippelement {n} [im Klimasystem]
agr. spec. transp. tipping gutterSchüttgosse {f}
tipping lorry [Br.]Kippwagen {m} [im Bergwerk]
dent. med. tipping movementKippen {n}
tipping pointKipppunkt {m}
lit. tipping pointTrendwende {f}
sociol. spec. tipping pointUmkehrpunkt {m}
tipping pointUmkipppunkt {m}
tipping pointentscheidende Wende {f} [Wendepunkt]
tipping processKippvorgang {m}
tech. tipping railAbrollbahn {f}
mining tipping stowingSturzversatz {m}
tipping timeKippzeit {f}
tipping trailerKippanhänger {m}
tech. tipping tweezer [Am.] [(a pair of) tipping tweezers]Bestückungspinzette {f}
tools tipping tweezers {pl} [one pair]Bestückungspinzette {f}
rail tipping wagonKippwagen {m}
sociol. spec. tipping-pointTipping-Point {m} [Umkipp-Punkt]
bot. yellow tipping [e.g. in pine needles]Gelbspitzigkeit {f}
bot. yellow tipping [e.g. in pine needles]Goldspitzigkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. jobs fly-tipping investigator [Br.]Mülldetektiv {m}
rail side-tipping wagonKippwagen {m}
4 Words: Others
It is tipping down. [Br.] [coll.]Es ist am Pissen. [ugs.] [derb] [Es regnet.]
idiom It's tipping (it) down. [Br.]Es schüttet. [Regen]
4 Words: Nouns
danger of tipping overKippgefahr {f}
meteo. tipping bucket rain gaugeRegenwippe {f}
dent. tipping movement (of tooth)Zahnkippung {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom It is tipping (it) down. [Br.] [coll.]Es schüttet wie aus Kübeln. [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Tipping the Velvet [Sarah Waters]Die Muschelöffnerin
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A 2015-09-04: environment / ecosystem past the tipping point
A 2009-08-02: or shearing-tipping mechanism
A 2009-03-27: perhaps "tipping point" ?
A 2008-07-05: LINX http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Slobber%20Knocker ...
A 2007-11-12: Kippen = tipping, so I am too worried about tilting -
A 2007-11-01: stability against tipping over
A 2007-03-02: tipping test?
A 2007-02-28: Kippeffekt: "tipping"?
A 2006-10-06: tipping point/phenomenon?
A 2006-08-01: trailer chassis for a ?? with rear-tipping function..
Q 2006-06-29: tipping point
Q 2006-05-22: Frage zu "tipping point"
Q 2006-04-24: tipping point
Q 2005-10-17: Tipping is neither required nor expected.
Q 2005-10-12: Dealing & Stock Tipping

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