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English-German translation for: Troubles
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Dictionary English German: Troubles

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
NOUN   a trouble | troubles
VERB  to trouble | troubled | troubled ... 
Mühen {pl}
Schwierigkeiten {pl}
Störungen {pl}
Kümmernis {f} [geh.]
hist. the Troubles [Northern Ireland]die Unruhen {pl} in Nordirland
troubles [conflict]Wirren {pl}
2 Words
med. chest troublesBrustbeschwerden {pl}
children's troublesKindersorgen {pl}
electr. EMC troublesEMV-Störungen {pl}
audio telecom. hum troublesBrummstörungen {pl}
pol. labour troubles [Br.]Arbeiterunruhen {pl}
money troublesGeldsorgen {pl}
sleeping troublesSchlafprobleme {pl}
dent. teething troublesBeschwerden {pl} beim Zahndurchbruch
dent. teething troubles [Dentitio difficilis]Zahnungsbeschwerden {pl}
teething troubles [fig.]Kinderkrankheiten {pl} [fig.]
teething troubles [fig.] [initial difficulties]Anfangsschwierigkeiten {pl}
dent. teething troubles {pl} [Dentitio difficilis]erschwerter Zahndurchbruch {m}
hist. The TroublesNordirlandkonflikt {m}
med. tummy troubles [coll.]Magenbeschwerden {pl}
3 Words
to tell sb. one's troublesjdm. sein Leid klagen
hist. Time of Troubles [smutnoe vremya] [Russian history]Zeit {f} der Wirren [russische Geschichte]
4 Words
to confide one's troubles to sb.jdm. von seinen Problemen erzählen
to laugh away one's troublesdurch Lachen seine Sorgen verscheuchen
5+ Words
proverb May all your troubles be little ones.Mögen all eure Sorgen klein sein.
proverb Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.Schlafende Hunde sollte man nicht wecken.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Sea of Troubles [Donna Leon]Das Gesetz der Lagune. Commissario Brunettis zehnter Fall
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A 2017-10-10: teething troubles or for software etc bugs fixed
A 2017-07-21: discomfort (schwach), troubles, complaints (stärker)
A 2013-11-25: Thanks for your troubles Lllama, ddr & Catesse!
Q 2012-12-12: Having troubles understanding this English sentence
A 2010-09-27: money troubles
A 2010-06-05: many thanks for your troubles
A 2010-03-18: @goog: E-Mail troubles
A 2009-08-23: hi wrecker, yeah, i missed a word in there -- and thanking YOU for your tr...
A 2009-08-23: looking forward to an early answer and thanking for your troubles in advan...
A 2009-05-07: Child speech: for all the worries (troubles) you had because of me
A 2009-05-07: for all the worries (troubles) you have had with me?
A 2009-03-26: typo: troubles
A 2008-11-20: Database troubles - working on it.
A 2008-07-14: malfunction = operating troubles/failures.
Q 2008-04-14: to show for her troubles
A 2007-12-07: Ich finde "business troubles" klingt vornehmer und weniger peinlich als "p...
A 2007-07-10: under immense pains / troubles
A 2007-05-18: laut Pons auf Franz.: troubles cardiaques
A 2007-04-05: The necessary contingency plans for malfunctions / troubles / faults /...
A 2007-03-30: what troubles users least?

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