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English-German translation for: Twin-Kanal-
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Dictionary English German: Twin Kanal

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tech. twin-channel {adj} [attr.]Twin-Kanal-
Partial Matches
med. twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome <TTTS>fetofetales Transfusionssyndrom {n} <FFTS>
film F Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me [David Lynch]Twin PeaksDer Film
audio twin microphoneTwin-Mikrofon {n}
anat. atrioventricular canal <AVC, AV canal> [Canalis atrioventricularis]atrioventrikulärer Kanal {m} <AVC, AV-Kanal>
electr. n-channel / N-channel transistorn-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m}
electr. p-channel / P-channel transistorp-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}
med. MedTech. six-lead ECG / EKG <6-lead ECG, 6-lead EKG>Sechs-Kanal-EKG {n} <6-Kanal-EKG>
busKanal {m}
naut. canalKanal {m}
conduitKanal {m}
ductKanal {m}
levelKanal {m}
anat. meatusKanal {m}
naut. canalettekleiner Kanal {m}
med. canaliculuskleiner Kanal {m}
cut [canal]Kanal {m}
dike [channel]Kanal {m}
dyke [channel]Kanal {m}
ind. flume(schmaler) Kanal {m}
adjacent channelbenachbarter Kanal {m}
geogr. hydro. Bijland CanalBijlands-Kanal {m}
comp. covert channelverdeckter Kanal {m}
geogr. naut. Elbląg CanalOberländischer Kanal {m}
spec. hydrophilic channelhydrophiler Kanal {m}
illegal channelverbotener Kanal {m}
geogr. Luisenstadt CanalLuisenstädtischer Kanal {m}
geogr. Mozambique ChannelMosambik-Kanal {m}
geogr. hydro. Pannerden CanalPannerdens-Kanal {m}
primary channelprimärer Kanal {m}
geogr. Vivari ChannelVivar-Kanal {m}
audio telecom. wideband channelBreitband-Kanal {m}
to multiplexeinen Kanal mehrfach nutzen
comp. alpha channelAlphakanal {m} <α-Kanal>
geogr. Corinth CanalKanal {m} von Korinth
telecom. dedicated channel <DCH>dedizierter Kanal {m}
geogr. naut. Elbląg CanalElbing-Oberländischer Kanal {m}
geogr. naut. Elbląg CanalKanal {m} Elbing-Osterode
zool. Laurer's canallauerscher Kanal {m}
by the canal {adv}am Kanal
spec. water-filled channelwassergefüllter Kanal {m}
channel [natural or artificial waterway]Kanal {m}
anat. biol. hyaloid canal [Canalis hyaloideus]Cloquet-Kanal {m}
geogr. naut. Kiel CanalNord-Ostsee-Kanal {m} <NOK>
anat. pterygoid canal [Canalis pterygoideus]Vidianus-Kanal {m}
anat. vidian canal [Canalis pterygoideus]Vidianus-Kanal {m}
to block a channeleinen Kanal blockieren
to cut a canaleinen Kanal graben
to deepen a canaleinen Kanal vertiefen
geogr. naut. Bocholt-Herentals CanalMaas-Schelde-Kanal {m}
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