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|  |
 | sports European Under-21 Football Championship | U-21-Fußball-Europameisterschaft {f} <U-21 EM> |  |
 | sports UEFA European Under-21 Championship <UEFA Euro U-21s> | U-21-Fußball-Europameisterschaft {f} <U-21-EM> |  |
Partial Matches |
 | sports UEFA European Football Championship <UEFA EURO> | UEFA-Fußball-Europameisterschaft {f} |  |
 | film F Bat*21 / Bat 21 [Peter Markle] | BAT-21 – Mitten im Feuer |  |
 | med. trisomy 21 [Down's syndrome] | Trisomie 21 {f} [Down-Syndrom] |  |
 | astron. 21-centimeter line [Am.] | 21-cm-Linie {f} |  |
 | film F 21 Grams [Alejandro González Iñárritu] | 21 Gramm |  |
 | lit. F Kilometre 21 [Br.] | Km 21 [Christian Morgenstern] |  |
 | The upper limit is 21 members. | Die Obergrenze liegt bei 21 Mitgliedern. |  |
 | mil. 21-gun salute | 21 Böllerschüsse {pl} |  |
 | film F 21 [Robert Luketic] | 21 |  |
 | twenty-one-year-old {adj} [attr.] <21-year-old> | einundzwanzigjährig <21-jährig> [Mann, Katze etc.] |  |
 | twenty-one-year-old [female] <21-year-old> | Einundzwanzigjährige {f} <21-Jährige> |  |
 | tech. u-steel / U-steel | U-Stahl {m} |  |
 | twenty-one-year-old <21-year-old> | Einundzwanzigjähriger {m} <21-Jähriger> |  |
 | arguably {adv} [possibly, potentially] | unter Umständen <u. U.> [vielleicht, möglicherweise] |  |
 | U as in Uncle [esp. Am.] | U wie Ulrich |  |
 | anat. cosmet. U-shaped upper (lip) vermilion | U-förmiger Kupidobogen {m} |  |
 | automot. u-ey [coll.] [short for: U-turn] | U-Turn {m} [Kehrtwendung] |  |
 | constr. thermal transmittance <U-value> [e.g. glazing frame] | Wärmedämmwert {m} <U-Wert> |  |
 | U-shaped {adj} | U-förmig [auch: u-förmig] |  |
 | if need be {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> |  |
 | in some cases {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> |  |
 | mil. fortified U-boat pen | U-Boot-Bunker {m} |  |
 | conditions permitting {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> [wenn es die Umstände zulassen, gestatten] |  |
 | chem. phys. unit unified atomic mass unit <u> | atomare Masseneinheit {f} <u, amu [veraltet]> [auch: atomare Massenkonstante] |  |
 | optics U-boat target optical sight [German WWII submarine apparatus] | U-Boot-Zieloptik {f} <UZO> |  |
 | personally read and signed | selbst gelesen und unterschrieben <sguu, s.g.u.u.> |  |
 | personally read and signed | selbst gesichtet und abgezeichnet <sguu. s.g.u.u.> |  |
 | math. stat. union <U> | Vereinigungsmenge {f} <U> [auch: Vereinigung] |  |
 | tech. U-bend [in pipe] | U-Bogen {m} |  |
 | hist. U-boat [German submarine] | U-Boot {n} |  |
 | U for Uncle | U wie Ulrich |  |
 | U and non-U speech classification [Br.] | Unterschiede {pl} in der Sprechweise zwischen Ober- und Unterschicht |  |
 | perhaps {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> |  |
 | possibly {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> |  |
 | potentially {adv} | unter Umständen <u. U.> |  |
 | hist. mil. naut. U-boat force | U-Bootwaffe {f} |  |
 | U-cylinder engine | U-Motor {m} |  |
 | tech. U-bend [pipe] | U-Rohr {n} |  |
 | geogr. geol. U-shaped valley | U-Tal {n} |  |
 | phys. Umklapp process <U-process, u-process> | Umklappprozess {m} <U-Prozess> |  |
 | sports European championship <EC> | Europameisterschaft {f} <EM> |  |
 | hist. Berlin Conference of the Three Heads of Government of the U.S.S.R., U.S.A., and U.K. [also: ... of the USSR, the USA, and the UK] [Potsdam Conference] | Dreimächtekonferenz {f} von Berlin [Potsdamer Konferenz] |  |
 | ling. print u [letter] | u {n} [Buchstabe] |  |
 | ling. print U [letter] | U {n} [Buchstabe] |  |
 | chem. uranium <U> | Uran {n} <U> |  |
 | constr. u-pile | U-Bohle {f} |  |
 | tech. U-brake | U-Bremse {f} |  |
 | tech. U-profile | U-Profil {n} |  |
English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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