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English-German translation for: U-Bahn
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Dictionary English German: U Bahn

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

NOUN   die U-Bahn | die U-Bahnen
SYNO   Metro | U-Bahn | Untergrundbahn
rail metroU-Bahn {f}
rail subway [Am.] [Scot.]U-Bahn {f}
rail underground [Br.]U-Bahn {f}
rail Mass Transit Railway <MTR>Hongkonger U-Bahn {f}
rail tube [Br.] [London Underground]Londoner U-Bahn {f}
Taipei Mass Rapid Transit <MRT, Taipei MRT> [Taipei Metro]Taipeher U-Bahn {f} [Metro Taipei]
rail subway entrance [NYC, Glasgow]U-Bahn-Eingang {m}
tech. subway cutU-Bahn-Einschnitt {m}
tech. subway cutting [subway cut]U-Bahn-Einschnitt {m} [Untergrundbahn-Einschnitt]
rail subway riders [New York, Glasgow]U-Bahn-Fahrgäste {pl}
rail metro stationU-Bahn-Haltestelle {f}
rail subway station [Am.]U-Bahn-Haltestelle {f}
rail underground station [Br.]U-Bahn-Haltestelle {f}
rail subway map [Am.]U-Bahn-Karte {f} [Linienplan]
rail metro lineU-Bahn-Linie {f}
rail subway line [Am.]U-Bahn-Linie {f}
rail underground line [Br.]U-Bahn-Linie {f}
rail metro networkU-Bahn-Netz {n}
rail subway network [Am.]U-Bahn-Netz {n}
rail underground network [Br.]U-Bahn-Netz {n}
rail metro stationU-Bahn-Station {f}
rail subway station [Am., Glasgow]U-Bahn-Station {f}
rail tube station [in London]U-Bahn-Station {f}
rail underground station [Br.]U-Bahn-Station {f}
rail subway track [Am.]U-Bahn-Strecke {f}
rail metro systemU-Bahn-System {n}
rail subway system [Am.]U-Bahn-System {n}
rail underground system [Br.]U-Bahn-System {n}
rail subway car [Am.] [Can.]U-Bahn-Wagen {m}
rail tube carriage [London]U-Bahn-Wagen {m}
rail metro trainU-Bahn-Zug {m}
rail subway train [Am.]U-Bahn-Zug {m}
rail tube train [in London]U-Bahn-Zug {m}
rail underground trainU-Bahn-Zug {m}
rail by metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der U-Bahn
rail by subway {adv} [Am.]mit der U-Bahn
rail by underground {adv} [Br.]mit der U-Bahn
rail on the metro {adv} [in Paris, Washington etc.]mit der U-Bahn
rail on the subway {adv} [Am.]mit der U-Bahn
rail on the tube {adv} [Br.] [in London]mit der U-Bahn
rail on the underground {adv} [Br.]mit der U-Bahn
rail TrVocab. Mind the gap! [on curved underground or railway platforms]Achten Sie auf den Spalt zwischen Bahnsteig und U-Bahn-Türe. [Ansage der Wiener U-Bahn]
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the metro station.Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the underground station. [Br.]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Pardon me, I'm looking for the subway station. [Am.]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [formelle Anrede]
TrVocab. Excuse me, I'm looking for the tube station. [in London]Entschuldigen Sie, ich suche die U-Bahn-Station. [in London] [formelle Anrede]
rail to go by tube [Br.] [in London]mit der U-Bahn fahren
rail TrVocab. connection to the subway [esp. Am.]Umsteigemöglichkeit {f} auf die U-Bahn
film F The Taking of Pelham 123 [Tony Scott, 2009]Die Entführung der U-Bahn Pelham 123
film F The Taking of Pelham One Two Three [Joseph Sargent]Stoppt die Todesfahrt der U-Bahn 123
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