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English-German translation for: UKW-Radio
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Dictionary English German: UKW Radio

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

RadioTV VHF radioUKW-Radio {n}
Partial Matches
ultra short wave <USW>Ultrakurzwelle {f} <UKW>
ultra-short wave <USW>Ultrakurzwelle {f} <UKW>
ultrashort wave <USW>Ultrakurzwelle {f} <UKW>
very high frequency <VHF>Ultrakurzwellenbereich {m} <UKW>
aviat. very high frequency omnidirectional radio range <VOR>UKW-Drehfunkfeuer {n}
hist. mil. RadioTV VHF-radio (set)UKW-Funkgerät {n}
RadioTV tech. FM broadcastingUKW-Rundfunk {m}
RadioTV telecom. VHF transmitterUKW-Sender {m}
RadioTV frequency-modulation {adj} [attr.]UKW- [Abk. Ultrakurzwelle]
ultra short wave transmitter <USW transmitter, U.S.W. transmitter>Ultrakurzwellensender {m} <UKW-Sender>
ultra short wave transmitters <USW transmitters, U.S.W. transmitters>Ultrakurzwellensender {pl} <UKW-Sender>
RadioTV wireless {adj}Radio-
RadioTV radioRadio {n}
wireless [Br.]Radio {n}
wireless set [dated]Radio {n}
RadioTV on the radio {adv}im Radio
RadioTV over the radio {adv}im Radio
RadioTV to listen to the radioRadio hören
digital radiodigitales Radio {n}
comm. RadioTV market. in-store radioInstore-Radio {n}
RadioTV citizen radiolokales Radio {n}
journ. RadioTV radio journalismRadio-Journalismus {m}
MedTech. radiopacityRadio-Opazität {f}
RadioTV radio program director [Am.]Radio-Programmdirektor {m}
jobs RadioTV radio programme director [Br.]Radio-Programmdirektor {m}
RadioTV radio talkshowRadio-Talkshow {f}
portable radiotragbares Radio {n}
film F Radio Days [Woody Allen]Radio Days
film F Talk Radio [Oliver Stone]Talk Radio
mus. radio symphony orchestraRadio-Sinfonieorchester {n} <RSO>
with the radio on {adv}bei eingeschaltetem Radio
RadioTV The radio was tuned (in) to ... .Im Radio lief ... .
to leave the radio ondas Radio anlassen
to announce over the radioim Radio durchgeben
to hear on the radioim Radio hören
film F The Boat That Rocked [Richard Curtis]Radio Rock Revolution
RadioTV radioRadio {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
hist. RadioTV Astra Digital Radio® <ADR>Astra Digital Radio® {n} <ADR>
RadioTV radio dialDrehknopf {m} am Radio [Skalenknopf]
Turn the radio off!Schalte das Radio ab!
Turn off the radio!Stell das Radio ab!
RadioTV to turn down the radiodas Radio leiser stellen
RadioTV to turn the radio downdas Radio leiser stellen
film F Radio [Michael Tollin]Sie nennen ihn Radio
RadioTV DAB radio [digital audio broadcasting]DAB-Radio {n} [Digital Audio Broadcasting]
mus. Contemporary Hit Radio <CHR>Contemporary Hit Radio {n} <CHR> [Hörfunkformat]
law RadioTV law on radio and televisionRadio- und Fernsehgesetz {n} <RTVG> [schweiz.]
adapted for the radio {adj} [postpos.]bearbeitet für das Radio [nachgestellt]
MedTech. radioallergosorbent test <RAST test>Radio-Allergo-Sorbens-Test {m} <RAST>
RadioTV Swiss Radio and Television [German-speaking Switzerland]Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen <SRF>
to turn one's radio down to moderate volumedas Radio auf Zimmerlautstärke stellen
RadioTV to appear on the radioim Radio zu hören sein
comm. RadioTV market. instore radioPOS-Radio {n} [Point-of-Sale-Radio]
RadioTV Swiss Broadcasting Corporation <SRG SSR>Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft {f} <SRG SSR>
film F A Prairie Home Companion [Robert Altman]Robert Altman's Last Radio Show
astron. phys. RadioTV radio {adj} [attr.] [e.g. announcer, documentary, host; astronomy, emission]Radio- [z. B. Sprecher, Feature, Moderator; Astronomie, Strahlung]
The song received extensive airplay.Das Lied wurde sehr oft im Radio gespielt.
I heard it this morning on the radio.Ich habe es heute Morgen im Radio gehört.
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