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English-German translation for: Uhr.
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Dictionary English German: Uhr

Translation 1 - 50 of 244  >>

NOUN   die Uhr | die Uhren
SYNO   Chronometer | Uhr | Zeitmesser
watches watch {adj} [attr.] [e.g. glass, chain, hand, mechanism]
Uhr- [z. B. Glas, Kette, Zeiger, Werk (einer Armband- oder Taschenuhr)]
watches clock
Uhr {f}
watches timepiece
Uhr {f}
watches watch
Uhr {f} [Armbanduhr]
automot. clock [speedometer]
Uhr {f} [Tacho]
ticker [coll.] [watch]
Uhr {f}
Uhr {f} [Wasseruhr, Gasuhr]
time-pieceUhr {f}
2 Words: Others
noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place exactly at noon]12-Uhr-
nine o'clockneun Uhr
at ... (o'clock) {adv}um ... (Uhr)
ten hundred (hours) <1000, ten o'clock>zehn Uhr
2 Words: Nouns
watches astronomical clockastronomische Uhr {f}
watches railway-house clockBahnhäusle-Uhr {f} [schwäbisch]
biol. biologic clock <BC>biologische Uhr {f}
biol. biological clockbiologische Uhr {f}
internal clockeingebaute Uhr {f}
tech. built-in clockeingebaute Uhr {f}
watches electric clockelektrische Uhr {f}
fitness watchFitness-Uhr {f} [Rsv.]
watches gold watchgoldene Uhr {f}
comp. tech. hardware clockHardware-Uhr {f} [auch: Hardwareuhr]
biological clockinnere Uhr {f}
biol. spec. circadian rhythminnere Uhr {f}
body clockinnere Uhr {f} [ugs.]
biol. circadian clock <CC>innere Uhr {f} [zirkadiane Uhr]
biol. med. internal clock [circadian clock]innere Uhr {f} [zirkadiane Uhr]
broken watchkaputte Uhr {f} [ugs.] [defekte Armbanduhr oder Taschenuhr]
watches open face watchLepine-Uhr {f}
watches mechanical clockmechanische Uhr {f}
watches mechanical watchmechanische Uhr {f}
biol. molecular clockmolekulare Uhr {f}
med. operating theatre clock [Br.]OP-Uhr {f}
clock of an operating room [Am.]OP-Uhr {f}
med. clock of an operating theatre [Br.]OP-Uhr {f}
bot. ecol. phenological clockphänologische Uhr {f}
phys. physical clockphysikalische Uhr {m}
biol. physiological clockphysiologische Uhr {f}
sauna clockSauna-Uhr {f}
watches Swiss watchSchweizer Uhr {f}
comp. tech. software clockSoftware-Uhr {f} [auch: Softwareuhr]
watches speaking clocksprechende Uhr {f}
biol. circadian clock <CC>zirkadiane Uhr {f}
biol. circadian oscillator [biologic clock]zirkadiane Uhr {f}
3 Words: Others
12 a.m. [midnight]12 Uhr nachts [Mitternacht]
12 mn [midnight]12 Uhr nachts [Mitternacht]
before noon {adv}bis 12 Uhr
by noon {adv}bis 12 Uhr
until noonbis 12 Uhr
The clock chimes ... [strikes]Die Uhr schlägt ...
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