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English-German translation for: Van Zyls Goldmull
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Dictionary English German: Van Zyls Goldmull

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

NOUN   (der) Van Zyls Goldmull | (die) Van Zyls Goldmulle
zool. T
Partial Matches
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zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
automot. multi-purpose vehicle <MPV>Van {m}
automot. transp. vanVan {m}
geogr. Lake VanVan-See {m}
film F Van Helsing [Stephen Sommers]Van Helsing
geogr. Hook of HollandHoek van Holland {n}
geogr. The Hook [coll.]Hoek van Holland {n}
astron. phys. Van Allen belt <VAB>Van-Allen-Gürtel {m}
astron. phys. Van Allen radiation beltVan-Allen-Strahlungsgürtel {m}
art Van Dyck brownVan-Dyck-Braun {n}
Vandyke [beard style]Van-Dyke-Bart {m}
biochem. van Gieson stainvan-Gieson-Färbung {f}
geogr. Van Reeth GlacierVan-Reeth-Gletscher {m}
lit. F Rip Van Winkle [Washington Irving]Rip van Winkle
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
chem. phys. van't Hoff equationVan't-Hoff-Gleichung {f}
chem. van't Hoff reaction isobarVan't-Hoff-Reaktionsisobare {f}
chem. van't Hoff reaction isochoreVan't-Hoff-Reaktionsisochore {f}
chem. van't Hoff reaction isothermVan't-Hoff-Reaktionsisotherme {f}
phys. Bohr-van Leeuwen theoremBohr-van-Leeuwen-Theorem {n}
med. Ellis-van Creveld syndromeEllis-van-Creveld-Syndrom {n}
phys. Van de Graaff acceleratorVan-de-Graaff-Beschleuniger {m}
electr. Van de Graaff generatorVan-de-Graaff-Generator {m}
chem. phys. van der Waals bondVan-der-Waals-Bindung {f}
chem. van der Waals equationVan-der-Waals-Gleichung {f}
chem. van der Waals forceVan-der-Waals-Kraft {f}
chem. van der Waals forcesVan-der-Waals-Kräfte {pl}
chem. van der Waals radiusVan-der-Waals-Radius {m}
chem. van der Waals volumeVan-der-Waals-Volumen {n}
chem. van der Waals interaction [also: van der Waals' interaction]Van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkung {f}
art Van-Dyck brown / vandyke brownVan-Dyck-Braun / Vandyckbraun {n}
art Van GoghsWerke {pl} von Van Gogh
biochem. chem. van't Hoff's rulevan't-Hoff'sche Regel {f}
chem. phys. van't Hoff lawvan't-Hoff'sches Gesetz {n}
phys. de Haas-van Alphen effect <dHvA>De-Haas-van-Alphen-Effekt {m}
math. van der Waerden's theoremSatz {m} von van der Waerden
chem. van Arkel de-Boer processVan-Arkel-de-Boer-Verfahren {n}
med. Van-Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein syndrome [cerebrotendinous cholesterosis]Van-Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein-Syndrom {n}
math. Seifert-van Kampen theorem [theorem of Seifert and van Kampen]Satz {m} von Seifert und van Kampen
astron. van Maanen's Star [also: Van Maanen 2]Van Maanens Stern {m} [auch: Van Maanen 2]
RadioTV F Sideshow Mel / Melvin Van Horne [The Simpsons]Tingeltangel-Mel / Melvin Van Horne [Die Simpsons]
film lit. F Lust for Life [novel: Irving Stone, film: Vincente Minnelli]Vincent van Gogh - Ein Leben in Leidenschaft
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van't-Hoff'sches Gesetz
• Van Zyls Goldmull

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