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English-German translation for: Velvet
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Dictionary English German: Velvet

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NOUN1   a velvet | velvets
NOUN2   velvet | -
SYNO   velvet | velvet-textured | velvety
velvet {adj}
velvet {adj}
velvet {adj}
samten [aus Samt]
velvet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, ribbon, curtain]
Samt- [z. B. Kleid, Band, Vorhang]
gastr. to velvet [Chinese chicken preparation]
[Hühnerfleisch marinieren und vorbraten]
textil. velvet
Samt {m}
games velvet [Am.] [coll.] [winnings]
Gewinn {m} [beim Spiel]
velvet [Am.] [coll.] [profit, esp. when beyond expectation]
Reibach {m} [ugs., hier im Sinn von: unerwartet hoher Gewinn]
Sammet {m} [veraltet]
textil. velvet
Samtstoff {m}
2 Words: Others
velvet brown {adj}sammetbraun [veraltet]
velvet brown {adj}samtbraun
textil. velvet-like {adj}samtartig
velvet-lined {adj}samtausgeschlagen
velvet-pawed {adj}samtpfotig
2 Words: Nouns
hunting zool. (antler) velvetBast {m} [Geweih]
beggars' velvet {sg} [coll.]Staubmäuse {pl} [ugs.]
textil. black velvetschwarzer Samt {m}
gastr. black velvet [Guinness and champagne]Schwarzer Samt {m} [Guinness mit einem Schuss Champagner]
textil. cord velvetKordsamt {m}
textil. corduroy velvetKordsamt {m}
crushed velvetKnautschsamt {m}
textil. devoré velvet [also: devore]Samt-Ausbrenner {m} [auch: Samtausbrenner]
textil. polyester velvetPolyestersamt {m}
hunting zool. velvet antlerBastgeweih {n}
velvet bandSamtband {n} [breites]
velvet blanketSamtdecke {f}
cloth. velvet blouseSamtbluse {f}
velvet blueSammetblau {n} [altdeutsch]
velvet bowSamtschleife {f}
velvet brownSamtbraun {n}
textil. velvet burnoutSamt-Ausbrenner {m}
velvet carpetVeloursteppich {m}
cloth. velvet collarSammetkragen {m} [veraltet] [Samtkragen]
cloth. velvet collarSamtkragen {m}
cloth. velvet costumeSamtkostüm {n}
velvet curtainSamtvorhang {m}
velvet cushionSamtkissen {n}
cloth. velvet dressSamtkleid {n}
cloth. velvet gloveSamthandschuh {m}
cloth. velvet glovesSamthandschuhe {pl}
cloth. velvet gownSamtkleid {n}
cloth. velvet hatSamthut {m}
velvet lapSamtbindung {f}
velvet lappingSamtbindung {f}
art velvet liningSamtfutter {n}
ind. textil. velvet loomSamtwebstuhl {m}
jobs velvet makerSamtweber {m}
cloth. velvet pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Samthose {f}
velvet pawSamtpfötchen {n}
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A 2019-04-18: Ähnlich: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=5UK4XLrFLIzamwWX0aaQCQ&...
Q 2019-04-18: iron hand in velvet glove
A 2016-07-05: velvet ironing pad / velvet ironing mat
A 2015-09-28: Grasteppich / Rasenteppich > carpet of turf, velvet lawn
A 2014-04-14: Flaus ~ Flausch; Samtflaus ~ Samtflausch > velvet fleece
A 2012-08-30: red velvet cake
A 2012-08-29: http://www.ohhhmhhh.de/13518/und-noch-ein-mal-weils-so-schon-war-was-ihr-e...
A 2012-04-11: bkiehn, nein, habe Velvet noch nicht gesehen.
A 2012-04-11: warst du jemals mit Velvet im Ausstellungsring?
A 2011-01-20: In the velvet darkness of the blackest night...
A 2009-12-02: Nietzsche uses "scharlach" as an adjectiv of color referring to the imperi...
A 2009-07-12: or : an iron fist in velvet glove ??
A 2009-05-23: I like his voice very much. It's very gentle and soothing, like velvet.
A 2008-03-28: these might help. or sites on 'velour, velvet, plush care'
A 2008-03-11: velvet-back
A 2008-03-11: http://images.google.at/images?hl=de&q=+velvet+back+swimming+crab&um=1&ie=...
Q 2008-03-11: velvet-back
A 2007-12-22: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=lyrics%3A%22blue+velvet%...
A 2007-12-22: Die Kritik des Films 'Blue Velvet' sagt, dass Bobby Vincent das Lied gesun...
A 2007-12-22: she WORE blue velvet

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