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| fish vexillifer larva | Vexillifer-Larve {f} [auch: Vexilliferlarve] | |
Partial Matches |
| entom. chrysalis | Larve {f} | |
| entom. larva | Larve {f} | |
| entom. grub | Larve {f} [Insekt] | |
| zool. cydippid larva | Cydippe-Larve {f} | |
| zool. planktonic larva | planktonische Larve {f} | |
| face mask | Larve {f} [veraltend] [Gesichtsmaske] | |
| entom. spittlebug larva | Larve {f} der Schaumzikade | |
| to become a pupa | eine Larve werden | |
| entom. bacon skipper [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| entom. cheese hopper [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| entom. cheese maggot [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| entom. cheese skipper [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| entom. ham skipper [Piophila casei] | Larve {f} der Käsefliege | |
| entom. peach worm [Anarsia lineatella] | Larve {f} der Pfirsichmotte | |
| entom. broad-bodied chaser larva [Libellula depressa] | Plattbauch-Larve {f} [Libellenlarve] | |
| entom. four-spotted chaser larva [Libellula quadrimaculata] | Vierfleck-Larve {f} [Libellenlarve] | |
| zool. maggot [larva of a dipterous insect] | Larve {f} [eines zweiflügeligen Insekts] | |
| entom. garden wireworm [Athous haemorrhoidalis, syn.: A. obscurus] | Larve {f} des Rotbauchigen Laubschnellkäfers | |
| entom. leatherjacket [Tipula paludosa] [larva of the common crane fly] | Larve {f} der Sumpfschnake | |
| entom. leatherjacket [Tipula paludosa] [larva of the common crane fly] | Larve {f} der Wiesenschnake | |
| entom. dusky wireworm [Agriotes obscurus, syn.: A. hirtellus] | Larve {f} des Düsteren Humus-Schnellkäfers | |
| entom. railroad worm [Rhagoletis pomonella] [larva of a fruit fly] | Larve {f} der Apfelfruchtfliege [Apfelschädling] | |
| entom. California grape rootworm [Bromius obscurus, syn.: Adoxius obscurus] | Larve {f} des Rebenfallkäfers | |
| entom. California grape rootworm [Bromius obscurus, syn.: Adoxius obscurus] | Larve {f} des Weinlaubblattkäfers | |
| entom. clover bud worm [Hypera nigrirostris, syn.: Phytonomus nigrirostris] | Larve {f} des Grünen Kleeblütennagers | |
| entom. clover bud worm [Hypera nigrirostris, syn.: Phytonomus nigrirostris] | Larve {f} des Kleinen Kokonrüsslers | |
| biol. dipleurula larva | Dipleurula-Larve {f} [auch: Dipleurulalarve] | |
| zool. metanauplius larva | Metanauplius-Larve {f} [auch: Metanaupliuslarve] | |
| zool. Müller's larva | Müller'sche Larve {f} | |
| zool. tornaria larva | Tornaria-Larve {f} [auch: Tornarialarve] | |
| entom. green currant worm [Pristiphora rufipes, syn.: P. appendiculata, P. pallipes] | Larve {f} der Kleinen Stachelbeer-Blattwespe / Stachelbeerblattwespe | |
| entom. green currant worm [Pristiphora rufipes, syn.: P. appendiculata, P. pallipes] | Larve {f} der Schwarzen Stachelbeer-Blattwespe / Stachelbeerblattwespe | |
| entom. wireworm [Agriotes lineatus, syn.: A. segetis, A. striatus, A. striolatus, A. suecius] | Larve {f} des Saatschnellkäfers | |
| biol. cyphonautes larva | Cyphonautes-Larve {f} | |
| zool. parenchymula larva | Parenchymula-Larve {f} | |
| zool. pediveliger larva | Pediveliger-Larve {f} | |
| zool. praniza larva | Praniza-Larve {f} | |
| fish tenuis larva | Tenuis-Larve {f} | |
| entom. wheat cutworm [Apamea sordens, syn.: A. basilinea, Hadena basilinea, Noctua basilinea, Parastichtis basilinea, Phalaena sordens] | Larve {f} der Queckeneule | |
| entom. wheat earworm [Apamea sordens, syn.: A. basilinea, Hadena basilinea, Noctua basilinea, Parastichtis basilinea, Phalaena sordens] | Larve {f} der Queckeneule | |
| entom. wheat cutworm [Apamea sordens, syn.: A. basilinea, Hadena basilinea, Noctua basilinea, Parastichtis basilinea, Phalaena sordens] | Larve {f} der Schuttflur-Graseule | |
| entom. wheat earworm [Apamea sordens, syn.: A. basilinea, Hadena basilinea, Noctua basilinea, Parastichtis basilinea, Phalaena sordens] | Larve {f} der Schuttflur-Graseule | |
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