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English-German translation for: Volhynian massacre
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Volhynian massacre in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Volhynian massacre

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

hist. Volhynian massacreMassaker {n} von Wolhynien [Wolhynien-Massaker]
Partial Matches
geogr. Volhynian {adj}wolhynisch
mil. to massacreabschlachten [Gegner etc. in großer Zahl]
to massacrehinmorden
to massacreniedermetzeln
massacreBlutbad {n}
massacreGemetzel {n}
massacreMassaker {n}
massacreNiedergemetzel {n}
hist. Amritsar massacreMassaker {n} von Amritsar
cat massacreKatzenmassaker {n}
chainsaw massacreKettensägenmassaker {n}
dog massacreHundemassaker {n}
hist. Drenica massacreMassaker {n} von Drenica
hist. Izbica massacreIzbica-Massaker {n}
hist. Khaibalikend massacreMassaker {n} von Khaibalikend / Chaibalikend
hist. mil. Manila massacreMassaker {n} von Manila
hist. Munich massacreMünchner Olympia-Attentat {n}
hist. mil. Nanking MassacreMassaker {n} von Nanking
hist. Parsley Massacre[Ermordung von bis zu 30.000 Haitianern in der Dominikanischen Republik, 1937]
school massacreSchulmassaker {n}
hist. Srebrenica MassacreMassaker {n} von Srebrenica
hist. Lake Radonjić massacreMassaker {n} vom Radonjić-See
hist. Massacre of VerdenBlutbad {n} von Verden
hist. Massacre of VerdenBlutgericht {n} von Verden
hist. Massacre of VerdenVerdener Blutgericht {n}
to massacre sb./sth. [kill]jdn./etw. niedermachen [töten]
hist. Wounded Knee Massacre [1890]Massaker {n} von Wounded Knee [auch: Wounded-Knee-Massaker]
hist. Massacre at Lake RadonjićMassaker {n} vom Radonjić-See
hist. Massacre of St. BartholomewBartholomäusnacht {f}
bibl. Massacre of the InnocentsBethlehemitischer Kindermord {m}
bibl. hist. Massacre of the InnocentsKindermord {m} in Bethlehem
size of the massacreAusmaß {n} des Massakers
hist. St. Bartholomew's Day massacreBartholomäusnacht {f}
art F Massacre in Korea [Pablo Picasso]Massaker in Korea
film F Zombie Island Massacre [John N. Carter]Insel des Terrors
hist. mining Matewan Massacre [Battle of Matewan, USA]Massaker {n} von Matewan
to carry out a massacre [against sb.]ein Massaker anrichten [unter jdm.]
film F Massacre at Central High [Rene Daalder]Massaker in Klasse 13
hist. Sanct / St. / St Valentine's Day massacreValentinstag-Massaker {n}
film F Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III [Jeff Burr]Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
film F The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [Tobe Hooper, 1974]Blutgericht in Texas
to massacre sb./sth. [to murder or kill persons or animals, esp. with violence or cruelty]jdn./etw. massakrieren [Personen oder Tiere in grausamer, brutaler Weise umbringen]
to massacre sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [e.g. a piece of music, a play; a sporting opponent]jdn./etw. massakrieren [ugs.] [fig.] [z. B. ein Musikstück, Theaterstück; einen Wettkampfgegner]
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