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English-German translation for: Wall-Sun-Sun-Primzahl
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Wall-Sun-Sun-Primzahl in other languages:

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Dictionary English German: Wall Sun Sun Primzahl

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NOUN   die Wall-Sun-Sun-Primzahl | die Wall-Sun-Sun-Primzahlen
math. Wall-Sun-Sun prime [Fibonacci-Wieferich prime]Wall-Sun-Sun-Primzahl {f}
Partial Matches
astron. sun-like {adj} [referring to our sun, also: Sun-like]sonnenähnlich
sun sign [astrology] [also: Sun sign]Sonnenzeichen {n} [Astrologie]
astron. interior of the sun / SunSonneninneres {n} [das Sonneninnere]
geogr. Sunbelt [also: Sun Belt, sunbelt / U.S.]Sun Belt {m} [USA]
astron. Sun's surface [also: sun's surface] [referring to our Sun]Sonnenoberfläche {f}
astron. to be about ten times the mass of the sun / Sunetwa die zehnfache Sonnenmasse haben / besitzen
games Sun <XIX> [also: sun] [Tarot card]Sonne {f} <XIX> [Tarotkarte]
bot. T
math. primePrimzahl {f}
math. primalityPrimzahl-Eigenschaft {f}
math. prime numberPrimzahl {f}
math. balanced primeausbalancierte Primzahl {f}
math. cuban primekubische Primzahl {f}
math. Fermat primefermatsche Primzahl {f}
math. gigantic primegigantische Primzahl {f}
math. permutable primepermutierbare Primzahl {f}
math. prime tripletPrimzahl-Triplett {n}
math. quartan primequartische Primzahl {f}
math. safe primesichere Primzahl {f}
math. strong primestarke Primzahl {f}
math. titanic primetitanische Primzahl {f}
math. truncatable primetrunkierbare Primzahl {f}
wall-to-wall carpetTeppich {m} von Wand zu Wand
wall-to-wall {adj}von Wand zu Wand
math. Belphegor's primeBelphegors Primzahl {f}
math. indivisible number [prime number]Primzahl {f}
math. left-truncatable primelinkstrunkierbare Primzahl {f}
math. right-truncatable primerechtstrunkierbare Primzahl {f}
math. two-sided primebitrunkierbare Primzahl {f}
wall-to-wall {adj} [coll.] [extensive]umfangreich
meteo. Unverified wall-to-wall sunshine {adj}Sonnenschein pur
journ. RadioTV wall-to-wall coverageflächendeckende Berichterstattung {f}
film F Into the Sun [Christopher Morrison]Into the Sun - Im Netz der Yakuza
film F Too Much Sun [Robert Downey Sr.]Too Much Sun - Ein Stich zuviel
math. left-truncatable primeL-trunkierbare Primzahl {f}
math. right-truncatable primeR-trunkierbare Primzahl {f}
math. two-sided primebeidseitig trunkierbare Primzahl {f}
wall-to-wall carpetTeppichboden {m}
wall-to-wall carpetingAuslegeware {f}
blazing {adj} {pres-p} [sun, light]leuchtend
blazing {adj} [sun]prall [Sonne]
blistering {adj} [heat, sun]glühend
fierce {adj} [heat, sun]glühend
setting {adj} {pres-p} [sun]untergehend [Sonne]
astron. to eclipse [the sun]verdunkeln
to beat down [sun]herunterbrennen
cosmet. after sun productAfter-Sun-Produkt {n}
astron. sun-spot / sun spot activitySonnenfleckenaktivität {f}
tan {adj} [Am.] [sun-tanned]sonnengebräunt
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