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English-German translation for: Was
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Dictionary English German: Was

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VERB1  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
VERB2  to be better off | was/were better off | been better off ... 
VERB3  to be charged with murder | was/were charged with murder | had been charged with murder ... 
SYNO   was | welches
what {pron}
[I] was
[ich] war
sb./sth. was
jd./etw. war
sb. was
jd. wurde
which {pron}
something {pron}
was [ugs.] [etwas]
Huh? [coll.]
Was? [ugs.] [Nicht wahr?, Oder?]
summat {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [something]
was [ugs.]
Eh? [coll.]
Was? [ugs.]
why {adv}
was [ugs.] [warum / wozu / weswegen]
sb./sth. was
jd./etw. ward [veraltet] [wurde]
that is / was precisely (the reason) why {adv}ebendeshalb
that is / was precisely (the reason) why {adv}ebendeswegen
sth. was builtetw. entstand
sth. was validetw. galt
sth. was of useetw. nützte
sth. was thrown upetw. stob
sth. was tangent toetw. tangierte
sth. was not doneetw. unterblieb
sth. was smashedetw. zerschellte
sb. was allowedjd. durfte
sb. was qualified forjd. eignete
sb. was horrifiedjd. erschrak
sb. was absentjd. fehlte
sb. was stingyjd. geizte
sb. was embarrassedjd. genierte
sb. was calledjd. hieß
sb. was mistakenjd. irrte
sb. was ablejd. konnte
sb. was enthronedjd. thronte
sb. was in a position tojd. vermochte
sb. was cross withjd. zürnte
sb./sth. was still ... [e.g. was still the same, was still pending, was still negative]jd./etw. blieb ... [z. B. blieb gleich, blieb anhängig, blieb negativ]
sb./sth. was dosingjd./etw. dosierte
sb./sth. was descended fromjd./etw. entstammte
sb./sth. was frightenedjd./etw. erschrak
sb./sth. was drownedjd./etw. ertrank
sb./sth. was coldjd./etw. fror
sb./sth. was likejd./etw. glich
sb./sth. was known asjd./etw. hieß
sb./sth. was afflicted withjd./etw. laborierte
sb./sth. was suitablejd./etw. passte
sb./sth. was good forjd./etw. taugte
sb./sth. was subject tojd./etw. unterlag
sb./sth. was chilled throughjd./etw. verfror
was tosollte [hätte sollen]
Come again? [coll.] [What?]Was? [ugs.]
to act as if sb. was / were not therejdn. totschweigen
place where the corpse / body was foundLeichenfundort {m}
2 Words: Others
... or what? [coll.]... oder was? [ugs.]
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