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English-German translation for: Washington
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Dictionary English German: Washington

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NOUN   Washington | -
SYNO   George Washington ... 
NOUN   (das) Washington | -
geogr. Washington <WA> [Evergreen State]Washington {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Lake Washington [USA]Lake Washington {m}
pol. Washington ConsensusWashingtoner Konsens {m} [selten für: Konsens von Washington]
pol. Washington ConsensusKonsens {m} von Washington
bot. ecol. zool. Washington Convention <CITES> [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora]Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen {n} <WA> [Übereinkommen über den internationalen Handel mit gefährdeten Arten freilebender Tiere und Pflanzen]
hist. Washington TerritoryWashington-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1853-1889)]
geogr. Washington, D.C.Washington D.C. {n}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. Moscow-Washington hotlineheißer Draht {m} [fig.] [Rotes Telefon]
hist. pol. Moscow-Washington hotlineRotes Telefon {n}
geogr. State of Washington <WA>Washington {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
4 Words: Others
located in Washington, DCansässig in Washington, DC
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. March on Washington for Jobs and FreedomMarsch {m} nach Washington für Arbeit und Freiheit
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Mr. Smith Goes to Washington [Frank Capra]Mr. Smith geht nach Washington
film F Sherlock Holmes in Washington [Roy William Neill]Verhängnisvolle Reise
RadioTV F The DistrictThe DistrictEinsatz in Washington
film F The Werewolf of Washington [Milton Moses Ginsberg]Der Werwolf von Washington
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
orn. T
orn. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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Q 2017-01-20: Nothing better to do? Washington inauguration live stream
A 2015-10-29: You ought to read up on the history of the English language, derbybornandb...
Q 2015-09-20: Putin’s consistency on Syria has Washington fuming
A 2015-06-24: George Washington
A 2014-01-21: http://faculty.washington.edu/marynell/grammar/AdverbPl.html
A 2013-03-08: It is +Metro+ in Washington, DC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washi...
A 2012-05-22: Parking in Washington
A 2011-09-30: @ anonymous Mary Washington Student in Fredericksburg Virginia
A 2011-03-23: @Joanne - wouldn't they write that with Washington then?
A 2011-03-23: "DC area" = Washington, DC und Vororte.
A 2011-02-05: Washington DC
A 2010-09-11: Washington, D.C.
Q 2010-02-24: Zeitungsreport Los Angeles Times , Feb 24, 2009 , NCCA :UCLA vs. Washingto...
A 2010-02-23: The Washington Post disagrees, Proteus!
A 2009-03-04: Meanwhile in Washington DC
A 2009-02-06: BTW, Washington may close down the Metro (Tube) system at 10 every night (...
A 2008-11-18: Statistics given above for the US State of Washington
Q 2007-12-19: Where indeed was Washington?
Q 2007-09-21: Oktoberfest parties / Washington, DC and environs
Q 2007-08-23: Geschichte von Washington

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