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English-German translation for: We
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Dictionary English German: We

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PRON1   we | us | our [adj]/ours [pron]
PRON2  I | me | my [adj]/mine [pron] ... 
we {pron}
we {pron}
unsereins [ugs.]
we {pron}
mir [südd.] [ugs.] [wir]
we {pron} [one]
we {pron}ma [österr.] [wir] [in Aufforderungen, z. B. trink ma was]
we'd [we had]wir hatten
we'd [we would]wir würden
we'll [we will / shall]wir werden
we're [we are]wir sind
we've [we have]wir haben
we've [we have]wir ham [ugs.] [wir haben]
Wednesday <Wed., We.>
Mittwoch {m} <Mi., Mit., Mittw.>
2 Words: Others
Shouldn't we ... ?Sollten wir nicht lieber ... ?
we all {pron}wir alle
we both {pron}wir beide
We hear ...Es erklingt ...
We'll see.Schauen wir mal.
We're even. [coll.]Wir sind quitt. [ugs.]
We're fine. [Everything will work out] [fig.]Das haut schon hin. [ugs.]
We're hogtied. [fig.]Uns sind die Hände gebunden. [fig.]
We're home.Wir sind zu Hause.
We're moving! [move house]Wir ziehen um!
We're ready.Wir wären dann soweit. [alt]
We're ready.Wir wären dann so weit.
We're unrelated.Wir sind nicht verwandt.
2 Words: Nouns
tech. maintenance unit <MU>Wartungseinheit {f} <WE>
chem. wax ester <WE>Wachsester {m} <WE>
idiom we-time [Am.] [coll.]Zeit {f} für uns
phys. unit Weber number <We>Weber-Zahl {f} <We>
med. Wernicke encephalopathy <WE> [also: Wernicke's encephalopathy]Wernicke-Enzephalopathie {f} <WE>
working electrode <WE>Arbeitselektrode {f}
3 Words: Others
all we havealles, was wir haben
Are we clear? [Got it?, Agreed?]Ist das klar? [Hast du mich verstanden?]
Are we complete?Sind wir vollzählig?
Are we ever! [emphatically affirmative response]Und wie! [Ja, allerdings sind wir +Adj.]
Aren't we lucky?Sind wir nicht gut dran?
as we knowwie wir wissen
as we speak {adv}eben in diesem Augenblick
idiom Have we met?Kennen wir uns (irgendwoher)?
Here we are.Jetzetle. [schwäbisch]
Here we go!Auf geht's!
Here we go!Los geht's!
Here we go!Los gehts! [Rsv.]
Here we go!Jetzt geht's los!
Here we go!Auf Los geht's los!
comm. Herewith we enclose ...Hiermit senden wir Ihnen ... [formelle Anrede]
Historically, we are ... {adv}Historisch bedingt sind wir ...
lest we forget [formal]damit wir nicht vergessen
lest we forget [idiom]auf dass wir niemals vergessen mögen
Maybe we'd better ... [= "we had better"]Vielleicht sollten wir lieber ...
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Q 2024-08-11: Do we really want this?
A 2024-06-06: I agree with sfl. We can re-enter it.
A 2024-03-13: Dann können wir einpacken=in that case we may (as well) pack it all in
A 2024-01-31: Ah, it may be: "We'll get back to it. I swear."
A 2024-01-31: We'll get back (???) later … we need a doctor … we got somebody down
A 2024-01-17: I agree that we want to include
Q 2024-01-16: Still think we need a tag for abhorrent entries
A 2024-01-12: In SAP we call it "posting conditions"
A 2023-08-29: oder vielleicht: Looking for a bike hire? We'll get the wheels turning!
A 2023-08-29: kein Wortspiel, aber kurz und knapp: No own bike? We'll get you off the ground!
A 2023-08-06: It's not a general rule. Hence we should leave the choice to the contributor
A 2023-07-26: We're not an encyclopedia.
A 2023-07-18: "We never sell shop-soiled goods"
A 2023-05-02: The less we can be certain, the more the esoteric is a source of wonder? W...
A 2023-04-19: Definitely correct, in TN we refer to the interstate as the highway.
A 2023-04-11: There we are: MW confirms my suggestion / 11:47, NOT +just a normal thing ...
A 2023-03-29: We do not know why the shooter did what he did. Your comment is a lie.
A 2023-03-28: We definitely don't need a general label.
Q 2023-03-28: Do we need a tag for wildly anti-Semitic entries?
Q 2023-03-21: Here we go again

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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