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English-German translation for: Weapons
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Dictionary English German: Weapons

Translation 1 - 50 of 154  >>

English German
NOUN   a weapon | weapons
Waffen {pl}
mil. weapons [also fig.]
Kampfmittel {pl} [auch fig.]
mil. weapons weapons {pl} [collectively]
Bewaffnung {f} [Gesamtheit der Waffen]
2 Words: Others
mil. Weapons free!Feuer frei! [Luftabwehr]
mil. Weapons hold!Feuer einstellen! [Luftabwehr]
weapons-grade {adj}waffenfähig
2 Words: Verbs
to seize weaponsWaffen beschlagnahmen
2 Words: Nouns
biol. chem. mil. ABC weaponsABC-Waffen {pl}
mil. weapons atomic weaponsAtomwaffen {pl}
weapons automatic weaponsAutomatikwaffen {pl}
weapons automatic weaponsMaschinenwaffen {pl}
weapons biological weaponsBiowaffen {pl}
mil. weapons chemical weaponsChemiewaffen {pl}
mil. weapons chemical weaponschemische Waffen {pl}
weapons cold weaponsKaltwaffen {pl}
mil. weapons conventional weaponskonventionelle Waffen {pl}
weapons edged weaponsBlankwaffen {pl}
sports weapons fencing weaponsFechtwaffen {pl}
mil. heavy weaponsschwere Waffen {pl}
hist. weapons historical weaponshistorische Waffen {pl}
mil. incendiary weaponsBrandwaffen {pl}
mil. infantry weaponsSchützenwaffen {pl} [Infanteriewaffen]
hist. weapons medieval weaponsmittelalterliche Waffen {pl}
games melee weaponsNahkampfwaffen {pl}
mil. weapons NBC weaponsABC-Waffen {pl}
mil. weapons nuclear weaponsAtomwaffen {pl}
mil. nuclear weaponsKernwaffen {pl}
hist. mil. weapons offensive weaponsTrutzwaffen {pl}
mil. weapons space weaponsWeltraumwaffen {pl}
weapons thrusting weaponsStichwaffen {pl}
weapons cacheWaffenversteck {n}
weapons weapons collectionWaffensammlung {f}
comm. jobs weapons weapons dealerWaffenhändler {m}
comm. weapons weapons deliveryWaffenlieferung {f}
weapons weapons depotWaffendepot {n}
weapons weapons depotWaffenlager {n}
weapons developmentWaffenentwicklung {f}
mil. weapons weapons effectWaffenwirkung {f} [Flächenwaffen]
weapons weapons exhibitionWaffenschau {f}
mil. weapons weapons expertWaffenexperte {m}
comm. mil. weapons weapons exportWaffenexport {m}
weapons facilitatorWaffenlieferant {m}
mil. weapons weapons handlingWaffenhandhabung {f}
comm. mil. weapons weapons importWaffenimport {m}
ind. weapons weapons industryWaffenindustrie {f}
weapons weapons inspectionWaffeninspektion {f}
mil. weapons inspectorWaffeninspekteur {m}
law weapons law [the law concerning weapons]Waffenrecht {n}
law weapons legislationWaffengesetzgebung {f}
law weapons weapons legislationWaffenrecht {n}
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A 2025-01-04: siehe Eintrag: rifle sling / Trageriemen (weapons)
Q 2023-04-08: fehlt im Wörterbuch: aufpilzen [weapons] - to mushroom, to expand
A 2019-03-23: Hapsburg terror weapons
Q 2017-04-08: weapons handover
Q 2016-07-05: We are total body weapons.
A 2015-10-28: (14:39) The US of North America would do well to have a tiny passage of th...
A 2015-10-28: Weapons
Q 2015-06-13: Worldwide nuclear weapons status.
A 2015-06-10: resemble weapons
A 2015-06-10: replicas of weapons subject to gun control laws
Q 2015-04-27: projectile weapons
A 2015-03-01: Ich glaube, ich lasse "iron weapons".
A 2015-03-01: ... to fight a cruel war ... steel weapons
A 2014-12-06: Highly mobile, portable weapons predating Stalin's organs by one and a hal...
A 2013-06-19: According to K.L. 'this was helped along by the personal kinship between t...
A 2012-12-17: Automatic weapons
A 2012-05-23: scharfe Waffen - guns / weapons loaded with live / ball / service ammunition
A 2012-05-23: If the German was +scharfe Waffen,+ "lethal weapons."
A 2011-07-22: The weapons of democracy...
A 2011-04-10: Concealed weapons

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