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English-German translation for: Well then
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Dictionary English German: Well then

Translation 1 - 50 of 1746  >>

well thennun wohl [veraltet] [also gut]
Keywords contained
Well then, ...Wohlauf, ... [veraltet]
Well then!Nun denn!
Well then!Wohlan! [geh.] [veraltet]
Well then?Na?
Well then?Und nun?
Very well then.Na gut.
Well, bye then.Also dann, auf Wiedersehen.
Then the car had to go and break down as well.Da musste auch noch das Auto kaputtgehen. [ugs.]
idiom Well, that's that then.Damit ist jetzt Feierabend. [ugs.]
Partial Matches
comp. IF-THEN-ELSE / If-Then-Else / if-then-else {adj}WENN-DANN-SONST- / Wenn-dann-sonst-
well-kept / well-guarded secretgut gehütetes Geheimnis {n}
then {adv}da [zeitlich]
then {adv}dann
then {adv}denn [nordd.] [dann]
then {adj}derzeitig [veraltend] [damalig]
then {adv}sodann
then {adj} [attr.]damalig [attr.]
then {adv} [subsequently]anschließend
then {adv} [subsequently]danach
then {adv} [therefore]folglich
then {adv} [therefore]mithin [geh.] [folglich, also]
(back) then {adv}zu der Zeit [damals]
(back) then {adv}zu dieser Zeit [damals]
(back) then {adv}zu jener Zeit
(then) subsequently {adv}daran anschließend [danach]
already then {adv}schon damals
back then {adv}damals
before then {adv}bis dahin
before then {adv}davor [zeitlich]
before then {adv}vor diesem Zeitpunkt
But then, ... ?Andererseits, ... ?
by then {adv}bis dahin
by then {adv}bis dann
by then {adv}bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt
by then {adv}in der Zwischenzeit [inzwischen]
by then {adv}inzwischen
by then {adv}mittlerweile [inzwischen]
even then {adv}schon damals
even then {adv}selbst dann
How then?Wie denn dann?
just then {adv}genau in diesem Moment
just then {adv}just in diesem Moment [geh.] [auch hum.]
now thennun also
Now then!Wohlan! [veraltend]
OK then.Also gut.
only then {adv}da erst
only then {adv}dann erst
since then {adv}inzwischen
since then {adv}seit damals
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A 2019-06-24: well then
A 2014-03-12: Well then: burial at a cemetery near the location of the accident
A 2012-07-02: well then, like this?
A 2011-09-16: 2. So what do you say? Also, was sagst du? Well then. Na also. ... Gehn wir!
A 2010-10-20: Mind it well then, lest you forget!
A 2010-07-28: @bkytransl: well then, you're caught between a rock and a hard place. :-)
A 2010-03-24: "Na dann runter damit!" würde etwa heißen "Well then, down with it"
A 2010-02-07: well then
A 2009-10-09: Well then, you could change it to 'Volldampf voraus, trotz sicherem Tod!'.
A 2009-08-20: Well then, off we go/let's go there!
A 2009-06-04: Well then, dann kam Michalakki der Fuß abhanden im Abstand von ei'm inseli...
A 2009-04-08: Well then
A 2008-10-23: Ah, well then...
A 2008-08-03: well then, what about this
A 2008-03-13: Very well then. Which is better?
A 2008-02-13: well then, if you say so - obviously you have more of a context than given...
A 2007-03-04: well then, that was of help
A 2007-03-01: Well then...
A 2007-02-28: well then, "Successfully starting afresh"?
A 2006-12-01: well then...

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