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English-German translation for: Wilderness
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Dictionary English German: Wilderness

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NOUN1   a wilderness | wildernesses
NOUN2   wilderness | -
SYNO   wild | wilderness
Wildnis {f}
Wüste {f}
wilderness [wasteland]
Wüstenland {n}
Wüstenei {f} [geh.]
2 Words
Arctic wildernessarktische Wildnis {f}
journ. pol. electoral wildernessWahlabseits {n}
mountain wildernessBergwildnis {f}
UWH Tasmanian WildernessTasmanische Wildnis {f}
bot. ecol. for. wilderness areaTotalreservat {n}
ecol. wilderness areaWildnisgebiet {n}
bibl. wilderness sanctuary [tabernacle, tent of meeting]Wüstenheiligtum {n}
sports travel wilderness trekkingWildnistrekking {n}
3 Words
wilderness of housesHäusermeer {n}
bibl. geogr. Wilderness of Zin [מדבר צין]Wüste {f} Zin
4 Words
hist. mil. Battle of the Wilderness [American Civil War]Schlacht {f} in der Wilderness
voice in the wilderness [fig.]Rufer {m} in der Wüste [fig.]
voice in the wilderness [fig.]Stimme {f} in der Wüste [fig.]
bibl. wandering in the wildernessWüstenwanderung {f} [Israeliten]
5+ Words
in the middle of the wilderness {adv}mitten in der Wildnis
a lone voice (in the wilderness) [fig.]ein Rufer {m} in der Wüste [fig.]
idiom a voice crying in the wildernessdie Stimme {f} eines Rufenden in der Wüste
law right of public access to the wilderness [also: right to roam] [everyman's right]Jedermannsrecht {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Ah, Wilderness! [Eugene O'Neill]O Wildnis
lit. F Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf [Jenny Nimmo]Charlie Bone und das Magische Schwert
lit. F Kit's Wilderness [David Almond]Zwischen gestern und morgen
film F White Wilderness [James Algar]Weiße Wildnis
lit. F Wilderness Tips [Margaret Atwood]Tips für die Wildnis
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A 2015-06-18: +Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today+ By Geoffrey ...
A 2015-05-11: Errand into the Wilderness.
Q 2015-02-02: a weekly wilderness-skills program
Q 2011-08-15: The wilderness chorus sings at full voice.
A 2010-12-18: I'd be lost in the wilderness with your help
A 2010-03-06: to stand at the edge of the wasteland/wilderness (im übertragenen Sinne)
A 2008-08-31: typo: wildeRness
A 2007-03-05: back to the translation - to get off in the context of several men alone i...

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