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Partial Matches |
| mus. wow-wow mute | Wow-Wow-Dämpfer {m} | |
| mus. buzz-wow mute [also: buzz-wah mute] | Buzz-Wow-Dämpfer {m} | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Wow! | |
| wow [coll.] | Bombensache {f} | |
| to bow-wow | bellen | |
| classic {adj} | mustergültig | |
| classic {adj} | vollendet | |
| classic | Klassiker {m} | |
| mus. classic rock | Classic Rock {m} | |
| Wow! | Ma! [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Mensch! [ugs.] | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Nanu! [ugs.] | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Toll! [ugs.] | |
| wow [coll.] | Bombending {n} [ugs.] | |
| wow [coll.] | Bombenerfolg {m} [ugs.] | |
| wow [coll.] | großartige Sache {f} | |
| wow [coll.] | großer Erfolg {m} | |
| family pow-wow | Familienrat {m} | |
| audio electr. wow and flutter | Gleichlaufschwankung {f} | |
| wow and flutter | Tonhöhenschwankungen {pl} | |
| film mus. RadioTV Christmas classic | Weihnachtsklassiker {m} | |
| automot. classic car | Oldtimer {m} | |
| classic example | Musterbeispiel {n} | |
| classic example | Paradebeispiel {n} | |
| film classic movie | Filmklassiker {m} | |
| design classic | Designklassiker {m} | |
| Unverified shoe classic | Schuhklassiker | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Boah (ey)! [ugs.] | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Donnerlüttchen! [nordd.] [ugs.] | |
| to wow sb. [coll.] | jdn. begeistern | |
| RadioTV F Backyard Science | WOW Die Entdeckerzone | |
| classic {adj} | edel [zeitlos, klassisch] | |
| classic example | klassisches Beispiel {n} | |
| classic example | Schulbeispiel {n} [fig.] | |
| cloth. classic fashion | klassische Mode {f} | |
| classic ground | klassischer Boden {m} | |
| lit. classic literature | klassische Literatur {f} | |
| mus. classic rag | klassischer Ragtime {m} | |
| classic shape | klassische Form {f} | |
| mus. Viennese Classic | Wiener Klassik {f} | |
| gastr. (classic) sandwich bread | Kastenweißbrot {n} | |
| Oh wow! [coll.] | Boah ey! [ugs.] | |
| classic {adj} | klassisch [zeitlos, typisch, vorbildlich] | |
| classic lines {pl} [design] | klassische Linienführung {f} | |
| lit. publ. classic children's books | Kinderbuchklassiker {pl} | |
| cloth. classic fur coat | klassischer Pelzmantel {m} | |
| to wow sb. [coll.] | jdn. zum Staunen bringen | |
| pow-wow [with Red Indians] | indianische Verhandlungen {pl} | |
| cosmet. Unverified classic women's fragrance | Frauenduft-Klassiker {m} | |
| econ. educ. economics and organizational science | Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften {pl} <WOW> | |
| acad. classic [dated] [scholar] | Kenner {m} der Klassiker [Altphilologe] | |
| classic example (of sth.) | Schulbeispiel {n} (für etw.) | |
| bow-wow [child's language] [dog] | Wauwau {m} [Kindersprache] [Hund] | |
| a classic case of ... | ein klassischer Fall {m} von ... | |
| Wow! [coll.] | Do legst di nieda! [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Redewendung] | |
| Wow! [expression of joyous surprise] | Hach! [Ausruf der freudigen Überraschung] | |
| to wow sb. [coll.] | jdn. flashen [ugs.] [begeistern, in Rausch versetzen] | |
| RadioTV F Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! [created by Bob Boyle] | [animierte US-amerikanische Kinderserie] | |
| classic [author or work] | Klassikaner {m} [bes. österr.] [veraltend] [oft hum.] | |
| lit. F The Classic of Tea [Lu Yu] | Das Buch vom Tee | |
| Wow! [expression of surprise or amazement, normally positive] | Oha! [Ausruf des Staunens] | |
| Wow! [coll.] [expression of surprise or amazement] | Donnerkeil! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens und der Verwunderung] | |
| med. classic triad of Wernicke encephalopathy | klassische Trias {f} der Wernicke-Enzephalopathie | |
| classic {adj} [e.g. design, suit] | zeitlos [klassisch, z. B. Design, Anzug] | |
| mus. classic blues | klassischer Blues {m} [Vaudeville-Blues] | |
| classic six [Am.] [coll.] | [Vorkriegs-Wohnungstyp in New York mit Wohn-, Ess-, Dienstmädchenzimmer, 2 Schlafzimmern, Küche, 1 - 2 Bädern] | |
| lit. classic drama | altklassisches Drama {n} | |
| design classic | Design-Klassiker {m} | |
| mus. classic metal [traditional heavy metal] | klassischer Metal {m} [traditioneller Heavy Metal] | |
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