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English-German translation for: Word Processor of the Gods
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Word Processor of the Gods in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: Word Processor of the Gods

Translation 1 - 50 of 94319  >>

lit. F Word Processor of the Gods [Stephen King]Der Textcomputer der Götter
Partial Matches
comp. very long instruction word processor <VLIW processor>VLIW-Prozessor {m}
comp. word processorTextverarbeiter {m}
comp. word processorTextverarbeitung {f} [Programm]
comp. word processorTextverarbeitungsprogramm {n}
comp. word processorTextverarbeitungssystem {n}
comp. word processorWortprozessor {m}
myth. relig. abode of the godsSitz {m} der Götter
myth. assembly of (the) godsGötterversammlung {f}
myth. council of (the) godsGötterrat {m}
relig. cult of the godsGötterkult {m}
myth. father of the godsGöttervater {m}
myth. food of the godsGötterspeise {f}
gift of the godsGabe {f} Gottes
hist. relig. gods of the GreeksGötter {pl} Griechenlands
for. relig. grove of the godsGötterhain {m}
myth. relig. home of the godsSitz {m} der Götter
images of (the) godsGötterbilder {pl}
myth. messenger of the godsGötterbote {m}
myth. realm of the godsReich {n} der Götter
myth. relig. seat of the godsSitz {m} der Götter
relig. temple of the godsGöttertempel {m}
myth. twilight of the godsGötterdämmerung {f}
wrath of the godsZorn {m} der Götter
mus. F Twilight of the GodsGötterdämmerung {f} [Richard Wagner]
beloved of the gods {adj} [postpos.]von den Göttern geliebt
games F Ankh: Battle of the GodsAnkh: Kampf der Götter
lit. F The Mansions of the GodsDie Trabantenstadt [Asterix, Ausgabe Nr. 17]
ethn. relig. sons of the gods [or: ... Gods]Göttersöhne {pl}
myth. relig. at the behest of the gods {adv}auf Göttergeheiß [geh.]
myth. relig. at the command of the gods {adv}auf Göttergeheiß [geh.]
lit. F The Gods of Guilt [Michael Connelly]Götter der Schuld
divine rights and powers (of the gods)Götterrechte {pl}
bot. T
Asant {m}
bot. T
bot. T
to be in the lap of the gods [idiom]in Gottes Hand liegen [Redewendung]
relig. (seven) gods of the days of the week(sieben) Wochengötter {pl}
It's in the lap of the gods. [Br.] [idiom]Es liegt allein bei den Göttern.
lit. F Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods [Rick Riordan]Percy JacksonDer Kelch der Götter
ling. beginning of the wordWortanfang {m}
ending of the wordWortende {n} [Endung des Wortes]
ling. history of the wordWortgeschichte {f}
relig. liturgy of the WordWortgottesdienst {m}
ling. middle of the wordWortmitte {f} [Mitte des Wortes]
origin of the wordWortherkunft {f} [Herkunft des Wortes]
ling. use of the wordGebrauch {m} des Wortes
word of the dayWort {n} des Tages
ling. word of the yearWort {n} des Jahres
relig. service of the Word [ministry]Dienst {m} am Wort
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