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English-German translation for: Wording
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Dictionary English German: Wording

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
NOUN   wording | -
SYNO   choice of words | diction ... 
wording {pres-p}
ling. wording
Formulierung {f}
Wortlaut {m}
wording [choice of words]
Wortwahl {f}
Fassung {f} [Formulierung]
wording [of a text]
Abfassung {f}
wordingFormulierungsspielraum {m}
2 Words
established wordingFormel {f} [feststehender Ausdruck]
exact wordinggenauer Wortlaut {m}
incisive wordingscharfe Formulierung {f}
standard wordingStandardformulierung {f}
3 Words
to adopt the wordingdie Formulierung übernehmen [sich den Wortlaut aneignen]
4 Words
to quote the exact wordingim vollen Wortlaut zitieren
alteration of the wordingÄnderung {f} des Wortlauts
fin. wording of a billWortlaut {m} eines Wechsels
law wording of a contractWortlaut {m} eines Vertrages / Vertrags
law wording of a lawGesetzestext {m} [Wortlaut eines Gesetzes]
wording of a letterWortlaut {m} eines Briefes
wording of the claimAnspruchsfassung {f}
law wording of the contractvertragliche Formulierung {f}
law wording of the lawGesetzestext {m} [Wortlaut des Gesetzes]
law wording of the lawGesetzeswortlaut {m}
5+ Words
by wording in the creditdurch einen Hinweis in dem Kredit
the exact / precise wording ofder genaue Wortlaut {m} [+Gen.]
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A 2023-11-04: I'm afraid I don't have any specialist knowledge. Just a hunch based on a ...
A 2020-02-03: Please provide the exact wording
Q 2018-10-04: Here is the exact wording of the rule
A 2018-06-17: Vielen Dank für die Recherche, Gerhard. Ich finde "to less than its wordin...
Q 2018-05-23: Which wording is correct or better in terms of style?
A 2018-04-04: +InterActive Terminology for Europe+ comes up with pretty much the same wording
A 2016-12-12: In a spirit of collaboration one replies to the query. For +Fordreese+ the...
A 2016-12-03: Shall we give the author's wording the benefit of poetic licence? VT PICTV...
A 2016-11-18: 14:25 — Errors of punctuation, spelling, word order and wording
A 2016-10-26: New wording?
A 2015-09-22: The wording is: "für den Teil"
A 2015-09-21: Wording
A 2015-07-07: Claim was only a wording i recognized first.
A 2015-06-02: agree with "in your own words" ; or: state in your own wording (which lang...
A 2014-12-02: we shall include the exact wording / verbatim in the following
Q 2014-10-28: wording Kann man das sagen?
Q 2014-10-18: wording Kann man das sagen?
Q 2014-10-15: wording: to allocate?
Q 2014-10-15: Tenses and wording
Q 2014-10-09: wording

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