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Dictionary English German: Words

Translation 1 - 50 of 442  >>

English German
NOUN   a word | words
SYNO   language | lyric | words ... 
Wörter {pl}
Worte {pl}
Vokabeln {pl}
words {pl} [text]
Text {m}
mus. words {pl}
Liedtext {m}
2 Words: Others
in words {adv}verbis [österr.]
in words {adv}worthaft
in words {adv}im Wort
in words {adv}in Buchstaben
2 Words: Verbs
to bandy wordsWorte wechseln
to bandy words [to argue pointlessly or rudely]sich (übel) streiten
to clip wordsWorte verstümmeln
ling. to coin wordsWorte prägen
to copy sb.'s wordsjdm. nachschreiben [jds Worte, so wie er sie spricht, aufschreiben, schreibend folgen]
to twist sb.'s words [idiom]jdm. das Wort im Munde herumdrehen [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
ling. abstract wordsAbstrakta {pl}
abusive wordsSchimpfwörter {pl}
abusive wordsbeleidigende Worte {pl}
accusatory wordsanklagende Worte {pl}
angry wordsWorte {pl} des Zorns
astute wordslistige Worte {pl}
bad wordsSchimpfwörter {pl}
barbed wordsscharfe Worte {pl}
benevolent wordsgütige Worte {pl}
big wordshochtrabende Worte {pl}
big wordsprahlerische Worte {pl}
big words {pl}Prahlerei {f}
bitter wordsscharfe Worte {pl}
bland wordsfreundliche Worte {pl}
relig. blasphemous wordsLästerworte {pl} gegen Gott
bold wordsgewagte Worte {pl}
boring wordslangweilige Worte {pl}
broken wordsabgerissene Worte {pl}
churlish wordsrüpelhafte Worte {pl}
closing wordsSchlussworte {pl}
closing words {pl}Schlusswort {n}
ling. cognate wordsverwandte Wörter {pl}
ling. cognate wordsWörter {pl} gleicher Abstammung
comforting wordströstende Worte {pl}
commemorative wordsGedenkworte {pl}
commemorative words {pl}Erinnerungsrede {f}
ling. compound wordsKomposita {pl}
ling. compound wordszusammengesetzte Wörter {pl}
concluding wordsSchlussworte {pl}
consolatory wordströstende Worte {pl}
consolatory wordsWorte {pl} des Trostes / Trosts
cutting wordsscharfe Worte {pl}
damnatory wordsverdammende Worte {pl}
damnatory wordsvernichtende Worte {pl}
comp. data wordsDatenwörter {pl}
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A 2024-07-17: two different words
Q 2024-03-14: I cannot figure out the words.
A 2024-03-12: zwei sehr ähnliche Sinnebenen - the most commonly confused words in English
A 2023-11-26: 1. Please label Latin words. lat. or similar.
A 2023-11-17: The words “SYNO Intimbereich | Intimsphäre” below should also be deleted....
A 2023-10-20: Make sure the words/phrases you suggest/list are correct and accurate – th...
Q 2023-09-28: How to request audio for words?
A 2023-08-08: The definition of a neologism is so blurry as to be useless, today's neolo...
Q 2023-06-21: not able to add words to vocabulary.
A 2023-04-25: While that may be true, the words aren't synonymous.
A 2023-04-17: but in most cases it is obvious which of the similar-looking words is correct.
A 2023-04-17: I disagree with disambiguation in cases like that. Lots of words look similar.
A 2023-02-24: Well, even Duden accepts both words as German.
A 2023-02-20: @Uffiee: As I'm sure you're aware, an English word can translate correctly...
A 2023-01-21: https://www.websters1913.com/words/Order
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A 2022-10-06: decent terminology vs fast fashion (cheap garments) website words
A 2022-07-09: No, it's just a joke/game with words from a German satirical magazine. Thi...
A 2021-12-20: H.W. Fowler thought in 1926 the English tongue would make an effort actual...

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