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English-German translation for: Work-out
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Dictionary English German: Work out

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VERB  to work out | worked out | worked out ... 
SYNO   to exercise | to work out | to work out ... 
NOUN   das/der Work-out | die Work-outs
SEE ALSO  workout
sports workoutWork-out {n} {m}
sports to work outtrainieren
sports to work outSport machen [ugs.]
to work out [be successful]glücken [gelingen]
to work out [be successful]Erfolg haben
to work out [end nicely]gut laufen
to work out [function successfully]funktionieren
to work out [function successfully]klappen [ugs.]
to work out [methods, regulations etc.]sich einspielen [Regelungen, Arbeitsweisen etc.]
to work out [succeed]gelingen
to work out [to amount to, to work out (of a plan)]aufgehen [Rechnung, fig.]
to work out [train in gym etc.](körperlich) trainieren
to work out sb. [understand a person]aus jdm. schlau werden [Redewendung] [jdn. verstehen]
to work out sth. [bring about by work, effort, or action]etw.Akk. herausarbeiten
to work out sth. [find the answer to sth.]etw.Akk. herausfinden
to work out sth. [solve a problem]etw.Akk. lösen
to work sth. outetw.Akk. lösen [Problem, etc.]
to work sth. outeine Lösung für etw.Akk. finden [Problem, etc.]
to work sth. outsichDat. über etw.Akk. klar werden [für sich klären]
to work sth. out [(attempt) to find a solution]etw.Akk. austüfteln [ugs.]
to work sth. out [calculate, devise]etw.Akk. ausarbeiten
to work sth. out [calculate]etw.Akk. berechnen
to work sth. out [calculate]etw.Akk. nachrechnen
to work sth. out [fig.]sichDat. etw.Akk. zurechtlegen
to work sth. out [figure sth. out]etw.Akk. herausfinden
to work sth. out [find the answer to sth.]etw.Akk. rausfinden [ugs.]
to work sth. out [plan, programme]etw.Akk. erarbeiten [erstellen]
to work sth. out [speech, essay]etw.Akk. durcharbeiten [ausarbeiten]
econ. out workHeimarbeit {f}
out of work {adj} [pred.]arbeitslos
out of work {adj} [postpos.]ohne Arbeit [nachgestellt]
out-of-work {adj} [attr.]arbeitslos
to work flat outauf Hochtouren arbeiten
to work flat outvolle Pulle arbeiten [ugs.]
to work flat out [coll.]mit Hochdruck arbeiten [ugs.] [fig.] [intensiv und mit großer Eile arbeiten]
to work it outeine Rechnung aufmachen
math. to work out evenly [division etc.](glatt / ganz) aufgehen [Division etc.]
to work out sth. for sb.jdm. etw.Akk. vorrechnen
He's out of work.Er ist arbeitslos.
Her plans work out.Ihre Rechnung geht auf. [fig.]
idiom It doesn't work out.Die Rechnung geht nicht auf. [fig.]
Things'll work out fine. [coll.]Das wird schon werden. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be out of workarbeitslos sein
to be out of workohne Arbeit sein
constr. to carry out masons' workBauarbeiten ausführen
to cut out work for sb.jdm. eine Arbeit zuteilen
jobs to put sb. out of workjdn. arbeitslos machen
to work out (all right)sich ausgehen [österr.] [ugs.] [zeitgerecht fertig werden]
to work out a planeinen Plan ausarbeiten
to work out a planeinen Plan ausknobeln [ugs.]
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A 2020-02-17: We would also be delighted to work out an agreement with you regarding rec...
A 2016-11-18: Doing no work out doesn't prevent from wearing the wrong clothes ;)
A 2015-06-01: working out concepts - - - to work out concepts > Konzepte erstellen
A 2014-03-25: @ Anonym - for example is abbreviated to e.g. (It took me a moment to work...
A 2013-09-23: "work out"
A 2013-09-10: No. ... like to work out / add up / prove being successful .....
A 2012-12-06: Original: ... this +will+ work out / ... this +works+ out
Q 2012-12-06: All I could think was "I sure hope this work out"
A 2012-05-15: I read this thread trying to work out what +to hold a patient+ might mean ;-)
A 2011-12-17: And thank you, Wandle, but unfortunately, I don't think your suggestion wo...
A 2011-07-09: ... whether (the existence of) a breadwinning husband should work out to b...
A 2010-09-30: For a rough estimate / for rough estimates, there are simple formulas you ...
A 2010-09-22: I don't know - I couldn't work out who/what 'sein' was referring to.
A 2010-08-13: Unfortunately, things didn't work out quite as expected.
A 2010-07-27: 'shake out' is equivalent to 'work out' or 'turn out'
A 2010-07-27: I agree with Thorsten - it took me a while to work out inv., whereas indek...
A 2009-11-25: anyway, what a shame/pity that having a (cup of) coffee together didn't work out
A 2009-06-04: Thanks, Laura and gewe, I can work out something with that.
A 2009-05-17: 'To work out ...', nein. Aber 'to tone up one's body' gibt's
Q 2009-05-17: work out

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