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English-German translation for: Years'
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Dictionary English German: Years'

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in ... years' time {adv}in ... Jahren
hist. mil. Eighty Years' War [1568-1648]Achtzigjähriger Krieg {m} [1568-1648]
law fifteen years' imprisonment [also: fifteen years imprisonment]fünfzehnjährige Haftstrafe {f}
hist. Hundred Years' WarHundertjähriger Krieg {m}
hist. Seven Years' WarSiebenjähriger Krieg {m}
several years' experiencemehrjährige Erfahrung {f}
law several years' imprisonmentmehrjährige Haftstrafe {f}
ten years' imprisonmenteine Gefängnisstrafe {f} von zehn Jahren
hist. mil. Thirteen Years' War [Russo-Polish War]Russisch-Polnischer Krieg {m}
hist. mil. Thirty Years' War [1618-1648]Dreißigjähriger Krieg {m} [1618-1648]
hist. Twelve Years' TruceZwölfjähriger Waffenstillstand {m}
4 Words
in ten years' time {adv}in zehn Jahren
to cop five years' prison [coll.]sichDat. fünf Jahre Gefängnis einhandeln [ugs.]
law to serve ten years' imprisonment [also: to serve ten years imprisonment]eine zehnjährige Haftstrafe verbüßen
a few years' respiteAufschub {m} von einigen Jahren
many years' experience withviele Jahre Erfahrung {f} mit
ten years' character referenceZeugnis {n} über 10 Jahre Tätigkeit
5+ Words
law He is threatened with ten years' jail (time). [also: ... years jail (time)]Ihm drohen zehn Jahre Haft / Gefängnis.
Somebody had 12 years' worth of loss. [Am.]Es hat jemanden 12 Jahre seines Lebens gekostet.
law to be sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment [also: to be sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment]zu einer fünfzehnjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt werden
jobs 25 years' service with the company25-jährige Betriebstreue {f}
jobs 25 years' service with the company25-jähriges Firmenjubiläum {n} [25-jährige Betriebszugehörigkeit]
a total of three years' trainingeine Ausbildung {f} von insgesamt drei Jahren
acc. sum-of-the-years' digits depreciationdigitale Abschreibung {f}
two years' English at schoolzwei Jahre {pl} Schulenglisch
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Two Years' Vacation [Jules Verne]Zwei Jahre Ferien
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A 2014-02-20: das gilt für die Zukunft: might be 2% in three years' time
A 2012-06-18: +How many years' experience+ is also ok.
Q 2011-06-23: How do I say "2,600 years' worth"
A 2010-12-15: Thanks wandle! Of course Years' - it's being late...
A 2009-09-06: Pommerland, here: 30 Years' War
A 2009-05-02: 'He is at rest' is correct but 'He is at rest for 2 years' is not.
A 2008-11-06: The Thirty Years' War - subsequently Hanoverian - fell back - City of Bremen
A 2008-06-02: Thanks guys... I think I will bounce 'budgeting liquidity for up to 25 yea...
A 2007-11-22: forty years' worth of ... (ist richtig)
A 2007-11-09: Now that you've changed it about a bit, I would go back to 'OVER a period ...
A 2007-06-27: Years' possession
A 2007-05-23: two years' experience
A 2007-05-09: I am sorry, the question is about the capitalization rule for 'Years' not ...
A 2007-04-03: schliesse mich Sue an, aber mit einem Punkt nach 'years'.
A 2006-09-26: We shall grant two years' warranty from the date of invoice and ensure tha...
A 2006-08-10: how about 'over the years'. This is vague enough, but does suggest more th...
A 2006-08-10: 'the past years' klingt eigentlich nicht komplett zu englischen Ohren
A 2006-02-04: Wird nicht hier mit 'in den folgenden Jahren' 'within a few years' gemeint?

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