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English-German translation for: You've
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Dictionary English German: You've

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you've [you have]du hast
you've [you have]Ihr habt
you've [you have]Sie haben [Höflichkeitsanrede]
3 Words: Others
idiom You've been had.Da hat man dich übers Ohr gehauen.
You've been had. [coll.]Man hat dich reingelegt. [ugs.]
idiom You've cracked it!Du hast's erfasst!
idiom You've earned it.Das hast du dir verdient.
idiom You've got it!Du hast's erfasst!
You've got it! [coll.] [knack]Du hast es raus! [ugs.] [Dreh]
idiom You've got there!Du hast's erfasst! [iron.]
You've got this! [idiom]Du schaffst das!
You've lost me.Ich komme nicht (mehr) mit. [verstehe nicht]
You've my apologies. [coll.]Ich bitte um Entschuldigung.
You've no idea! [idiom]Sie machen sich keinen Begriff! [formelle Anrede] [Redewendung]
You've no idea.Du machst Dir keine Vorstellung.
You've outdone yourself.Du hast Dich selbst übertroffen!
4 Words: Others
jobs You've a day off.Sie haben einen Tag frei. [formelle Anrede]
You've asked for it. [idiom]Sie haben es heraufbeschworen. [Idiom] [formelle Anrede]
You've got me blushing. [formal]Sie lassen mich erröten.
You've got me stumped. [coll.]Da bin ich überfragt.
idiom You've got me there!Da bin ich überfragt.
You've got me there!Jetzt weiß ich dir nichts zu erwidern.
You've got me there.Da hast du mich drangekriegt. [ugs.]
You've got me there.Da hast du mich ertappt.
You've got me there.Da hast du mich erwischt.
You've got me wrong.Du verstehst mich falsch.
idiom You've got some nerve, ...Du hast vielleicht Nerven, ...
idiom You've got something there!Was du sagst, hat manches für sich!
You've gotta be kidding! [coll.]Du machst wohl Witze!
You've gotta be kidding! [coll.]Sie machen wohl Witze!
You've had it now. [coll.]Jetzt hast du verspielt. [fig.]
You've had it now. [coll.]Jetzt ist es aus. [ugs.] [Jetzt hast du verspielt.]
You've had your say.Sie haben Ihre Meinung äußern können. [formelle Anrede]
You've lost me there.Da kann ich (dir) nicht ganz folgen. [fig.]
You've lost me there.Da kann ich Ihnen nicht ganz folgen. [fig.] [formelle Anrede]
You've made my day! [idiom]Ich könnte dir um den Hals fallen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
You've messed up royally. [coll.]Da hast du totalen Scheiß gebaut. [vulg.]
You've missed the boat. [idiom]Der Zug ist abgefahren. [Redewendung]
You've said that already.Das sagten Sie schon. [formelle Anrede]
idiom You've shot your bolt.Das war Ihr letzter Trumpf.
5+ Words: Others
Bear in mind that you've an appointment.Vergiss nicht, dass du eine Verabredung hast.
Don't knock it until / 'til you've tried it.Mach es nicht (schon) schlecht, bevor du es (überhaupt) ausprobiert hast.
Hey, what's that you've got on your face? [coll.]He, was hast du da im Gesicht? [ugs.]
I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.Tut mir leid, Sie sind falsch verbunden.
proverb If you're going to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. [coll.]Lass deinen Worten Taten folgen!
proverb If you've got it, flaunt it!Wer ko, der ko! [auch: Wea ko, dea ko!] [bayer.] [Wer kann, der kann!]
If you've got it, flaunt it. [coll.] [idiom]Man soll sein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel stellen. [Redewendung]
Just look what you've done!Sehen Sie nur, was Sie gemacht / angerichtet haben!
Just look what you've done!Sieh nur, was du gemacht / angerichtet hast!
Just look what you've done!Sieh nur, was du gemacht hast!
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Q 2020-02-29: Get your coat, love, you've pulled.
A 2019-04-25: Thanks a lot, Catesse, you've made my day!
A 2018-08-24: @polarjud: My impression is that in quite a few of your delete votes you'v...
A 2018-05-10: It depends on how you've translated the others,
Q 2017-04-27: "You've got it going on" = "Läuft bei dir"?
A 2016-09-08: this is for later, after you've finished your homework
A 2016-05-18: You've got the point
Q 2016-01-05: When you think you've seen it all ...
Q 2015-12-01: so convincing you find yourself wanting to read the book backwards when yo...
A 2015-10-06: You've lost me there, MichaelK (15:42).
A 2015-10-03: Yes, thank you Lllama, you've solved the riddle, I'm a bit dyslectic, I'm ...
A 2015-08-09: Romy, I wouldn't generalize this. You've probably met some rare example of...
A 2015-06-26: You've probably already guessed where this is going /
A 2015-03-04: Also: +You've made my day+ as the day goes on; +You made my day+ referring...
A 2014-10-11: I assume you've already seen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rechtsstaat
A 2014-05-03: Don't say you've got a qualification you haven't.
A 2013-11-05: as if this is all you've ever done
A 2013-10-16: You've understood it.
A 2013-07-22: I would say that you've got it about right, including Disillusion's and Re...
A 2013-07-04: ... because that's all you've got.

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