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English-German translation for: You'll
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Dictionary English German: You'll

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proverb [Beer before wine, you'll feel fine; wine before beer, you'll feel queer. / Wine on beer, give good cheer; beer on wine, you'll repine.]Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein; Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir. [auch: Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir; Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein.]
you'll [you will / shall]du wirst
you'll [you will / shall]Sie werden [formelle Anrede]
2 Words: Others
You'll see!Du wirst schon sehen!
You'll see! [I will be proved right.]Du wirst dich noch anschauen! [Redewendung] [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
3 Words: Others
idiom You'll be sorry.Das wird dir noch leidtun.
You'll find out.Das siehst du dann schon.
You'll never change.Du wirst dich nie ändern.
4 Words: Others
Remember that you'll die. [Memento mori]Bedenke, dass du sterblich bist. [auch: Bedenke, dass du sterben musst.]
You'll come, won't you?Sie kommen doch, oder? [formelle Anrede]
idiom You'll get over it.Du kommst drüber hinweg. [ugs.]
You'll have to move.Du musst da weg.
You'll hear of this!Das werden Sie mir büßen!
You'll soon get well.Sie werden bald gesund sein. [formelle Anrede]
You'll suffer for this!Das wirst du (mir) büßen!
5+ Words: Others
quote Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. [James Dean]Träume, als würdest du ewig leben. Lebe, als würdest du heute sterben.
Here you'll find everything you want to know about ...Hier erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über ...
I hope you'll back my plan.Ich hoffe, Sie unterstützen meinen Plan. [formelle Anrede]
I'm sure you'll understand me.Sie werden mich schon verstehen. [formelle Anrede]
if you'll forgive the analogywenn Sie mir diesen Vergleich erlauben
if you'll pardon the expressionwenn Sie den Ausdruck entschuldigen (wollen) [formelle Anrede]
It's nowhere you'll ever find it.Es ist an einem Platz, wo du es bestimmt nicht findest.
It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth.Nur so kannst du feststellen, dass ich die Wahrheit sage.
Now, if you'll excuse me, ...Wenn Sie mich jetzt entschuldigen, ... [formelle Anrede]
Shut your mouth, you'll catch a fly. [idiom]Mach den Mund zu, sonst kommen Fliegen rein. [Redewendung]
That's what you'll recognize me by.Das ist mein Erkennungszeichen.
Then I imagine you'll tell me what all the hubbub's about.Dann werden Sie mir wohl sagen können, was der ganze Aufstand soll.
Then you'll have me to contend with.Dann bekommst du es mit mir zu tun.
This is what you'll get when you mess with us.Das passiert, wenn du dich mit uns anlegst.
quote You can't treat every situation as a life-and-death matter because you'll die a lot of times. [Party Animals]Du kannst nicht jede Situation als Leben-oder-Tod-Angelegenheit angehen, weil man sonst sehr oft stirbt.
You'll be sorry if you do that.Wehe (dir), wenn du das tust.
You'll be waiting till the cows come home. [coll.] [fig.]Da kannst du warten, bis du schwarz wirst. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
You'll catch your death (of cold)! [coll.] [idiom]Du wirst dir noch den Tod holen! [Redewendung]
You'll come to regret it.Das wirst du noch (mal) bedauern.
You'll get nothing, and like it! [coll.]Du kriegst gar nix - und basta! [ugs.]
You'll get nothing, and like it! [coll.]Du kriegst nix - und aus! [ugs.]
You'll get yourself killed (one of these days)!Eines Tages brichst du dir den Hals!
You'll get yourself killed (one of these days)!Eines Tages wirst du dich noch selbst umbringen!
You'll have to do better than that!Da musst du (schon) früher aufstehen! [ugs.] [fig.]
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes.Fehler werden dich [selten auch: dir] teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes.Fehler werden euch teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll have to pay dearly for any mistakes.Fehler werden Sie [selten auch: Ihnen] teuer zu stehen kommen.
You'll know it when it happens.Du erkennst es, wenn es so weit ist.
Unverified You'll need more than your fair share of ... [idiom]Dazu gehört ein gerüttelt Maß ... [Redewendung]
idiom You'll never make it stick.Damit kommst Du nicht durch. [fig.] [Du wirst das Ziel nicht erreichen / keinen Erfolg haben.]
market. You'll never want to do without it again.Das werden Sie nie mehr missen wollen.
You'll probably miss the train.Sie dürften den Zug verpassen. [formelle Anrede]
rail You'll probably miss the train. [said to one person]Du dürftest den Zug verpassen.
rail You'll probably miss the train. [said to two or more people]Ihr dürftet den Zug verpassen.
You'll probably miss the train. [said to two or more people]Ihr werdet wohl den Zug verpassen.
idiom You'll soon be laughing on the other side of your face. [Br.]Dir wird das Lachen schon noch vergehen!
idiom You'll soon be laughing out of the other side of your face.Dir wird das Lachen schon noch vergehen!
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F You'll Never Get Rich [Sidney Lanfield]Reich wirst du nie
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Q 2024-03-03: Blink and you'll miss it! [idiom]
A 2023-10-19: You'll lose your bet. Proteus is a well-known and well-respected long time...
A 2023-03-29: How dare you contradict? You'll end up in c-c's bad books ...
A 2023-03-28: Nonetheless, it's not really germane to the discussion. These terms are ob...
A 2019-05-12: I don't think you'll find a word that is universally used.
A 2018-05-08: You'll probably have to change the form a bit.
A 2017-09-26: Abstain he from such coarse knavery. Or else you'll be beaten quite senseless.
A 2016-10-05: +You'll live+ or +you'll survive+ are both quite common, in my experience.
Q 2015-12-19: Eight weird habits you'll pick up in Germany
A 2015-11-02: Pronounced "skoash" in case you'll be saying it.
A 2015-08-26: No [rare] needed - open a Roman-Catholic hymn book and you'll find referen...
A 2015-07-01: Exactly. And for a real Texas campfire you'll need tons of sand and coffee
A 2015-04-20: English grammar: you will / you'll sleep with him
A 2015-04-09: you'll be flying high
Q 2015-03-04: all you'll get for your pains is abuse
A 2015-02-06: don't ask if you can't handle the response you'll be getting
A 2014-12-13: If you aren't careful you'll be taken for a ride
A 2014-11-15: You'd just be surprised at the variety in pronunciations you'll encounter ...
A 2014-11-05: No, you'll have to suffer! :)
A 2014-07-31: Sorry, you'll have to ask Michael

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