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English-German translation for: You're
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Dictionary English German: You're

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you're [you are]
biste [ugs.] [bist du]
you're [you are]du bist
you're [you are] [said to two or more people]ihr seid
2 Words: Others
You're alright. [coll.] [esp. Br.] [Don't worry about it.]Macht nichts. [ugs.]
You're awful!Sie sind (wirklich) schrecklich! [formelle Anrede]
You're awful! [said to one person]Du bist (wirklich) schrecklich!
You're awful! [said to two or more people]Ihr seid (wirklich) schrecklich!
You're barmy! [Br.] [coll.]Du hast einen Knall! [ugs.]
You're crazy!Du spinnst! [ugs.]
You're crazy!Bei Dir piept's wohl! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
You're crazy.Du hast wohl einen Vogel. [ugs.] [fig.]
jobs You're fired! [coll.]Sie sind gefeuert! [ugs.] [formelle Anrede]
Unverified You're funny! [coll.]Du bist gut! [iron.] [ugs.]
You're improving.Sie machen sich. [ugs.] [formelle Anrede]
You're late.Du bist spät dran! [ugs.]
You're late. [said to two or more people]Ihr seid spät dran! [ugs.]
You're lucky.Sie haben Glück. [formelle Anrede]
You're next.Du bist der Nächste.
You're next.Du bist als Nächstes dran.
You're nuts! [coll.]Du spinnst! [ugs.]
You're nuts! [coll.]Du hast doch einen an der Klatsche! [ugs.]
You're nuts. [coll.]Du bist verrückt.
You're nuts. [coll.]Du hast einen an der Klatsche. [ugs.]
You're on. [coll.]Die Wette gilt.
You're oversexed!Du bist unersättlich! [sexuell]
You're right.Du hast recht.
You're right.Du hast Recht.
You're right.Sie haben recht. [formelle Anrede]
You're right.Da haben Sie recht. [formelle Anrede]
You're right.Da haben Sie Recht. [formelle Anrede]
You're right.Da hast du Recht.
You're right.Da hast du recht.
You're toast. [esp. Am.] [coll. for: completely ruined] [idiom]Du bist erledigt. [ugs.]
You're welcome!Gerne!
You're welcome!Gern geschehen!
You're welcome!Keine Ursache! [als Erwiderung auf einen Dank]
You're welcome!Nichts zu danken!
You're welcome.Bitte. [Dank erwidernd]
You're welcome.Bitte schön. [Dank erwidernd]
You're welcome.Bitte sehr. [Dank erwidernd]
Internet You're welcome. <YW, UW>Nix zu danken. [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
Now you're dead!Jetzt bist du fällig!
Now you're talking! [idiom]Das ist doch (endlich) ein Wort! [Redewendung]
Now you're talking! [idiom]Das ist endlich mal ein Wort! [Idiom]
Now you're talking. [idiom]Das hört sich schon besser an. [Redewendung]
There you're mistaken.Da irren Sie sich. [formelle Anrede]
There you're mistaken.Da irrst du dich.
You're a brick! [Br.] [coll.] [dated]Du bist ein Prachtkerl! [ugs.]
You're a gem!Du bist ein Schatz!
You're a jinx!Du bist ein Pechvogel!
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A 2024-03-09: Haha, you're right ;-)
A 2024-01-30: @Windfall: you're right, "klein machen/müssen", "Wasser lassen", "Pipi mac...
A 2023-11-29: With "divert" yes, you're right.
A 2023-10-04: You're welcome!
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2023-05-02: Weird usage, I think you're bang on and he's using it as a generic organic...
A 2023-03-29: You're all in my bad books and getting lumps of coal for Christmas
A 2023-03-28: Sure, the smearing of Corbyn was unjustified, absolutely agree, if that's ...
A 2023-02-20: @Uffiee: As I'm sure you're aware, an English word can translate correctly...
A 2022-02-04: ah, you meant: Saying on 1 February 2022: "Das kommende Jahr" you're talki...
A 2022-01-07: Not easy, you're right.
A 2021-11-05: In NASCAR, there's 'drifting,' which seems to describe the action you're t...
A 2021-06-15: @ Windfall: Yes, you're right
A 2020-03-23: If you're using the British spelling of defence, use the British spelling ...
A 2019-02-19: Probably you're right. It's an old Mr. Honey entry.
A 2019-02-02: I think you're right, Windfall. Thanks for your support
A 2018-11-20: You're right of course, migmag ;-) My post at 7:30 was meant to be humorous.
Q 2018-06-12: Where do you think you're going
A 2018-05-03: I guess you're right,...
A 2018-04-19: You're talking about pages in a book, I'm talking about one line in a dict...

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