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Dictionary English German: Your

Translation 1 - 50 of 1339  >>


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PRON  you | you | your [adj]/yours [pron] ... 
your {pron} [determiner]
your {pron} [determiner] [plural] <yr, yr.>
your {pron} [formal sg. and pl.] [your house, dog, support, etc.]
Ihr [Possessivpron.]
your {pron} [determiner] [female or pl]deine
2 Words: Others
Finished your ... ?Sind Sie (jetzt) fertig mit ... ?
to yourzu deinem | deiner | deinen
idiom Your call. [coll.]Du bist gefragt. [ugs.] [Du musst entscheiden.]
idiom Your call. [coll.]Musst du wissen. [ugs.]
your equals {pron}deinesgleichen
Your ExcellencyEure Exzellenz
Your FabulousnessEure Fabelhaftigkeit
Your GraceDero Gnaden [veraltet]
Your HighnessEure Hoheit
relig. Your HolinessEure Heiligkeit
Your Honor! [Am.]Euer Ehren! [veraltet] [Frau Vorsitzende, Herr Vorsitzender vor Gericht]
Your Honour [title] [Br.] <Yr / Yr. Honour>Euer Ehren
law Your Honour! [Br.] [address]Herr / Frau Rat! [österr.] [ugs. Anrede]
law Your Lordship [Br.]Eure Lordschaft [Anrede für Richter]
idiom Your loss!Dein Pech!
Your Magnificence [address for an abbot]Euer Ehrwürden <E.Ew.> [Anrede für einen Abt]
Your MajestyEuer Majestät <Ew. M.>
Your MajestyEure Majestät <Ew. M.>
Your MajestyIhro Majestät [veraltet]
your Reverence(Euer) Hochwürden
Your servant! [obs.]Küss die Hand! [österr.] [veraltend]
your sort {pron} [coll.]deinesgleichen
your sort {pron} [coll.]euresgleichen
your sort {pron} [coll.]Ihresgleichen
your type {pron} [coll.]deinesgleichen
hist. law Your Worship! [Br.]Euer Gnaden!
2 Words: Verbs
to your bankan Ihre Bank
to your limitauf Ihre Grenze
2 Words: Nouns
your bestIhr Bestes {n}
your bettersdie Leute {pl} über dir
Your EminenceEure Eminenz {f} [Anrede]
law your honor [female judge] [Am.]Frau Vorsitzende {f} [Anrede des Richters]
law your honor [male judge] [Am.]Herr Vorsitzender {m} [Anrede des Richters]
your motherdei Mama {f} [südd.] [österr.]
comm. your referenceIhr Zeichen {n}
your superiorsdie Leute {pl} über dir
your useihrerseitige Nutzung {f}
your versiondeine Darstellung {f}
3 Words: Others
... at your command. [archaic]..., zu Befehl.
... of your choice.... Ihrer Wahl.
... of your choosing... Ihrer Wahl
(Your) attention please!Achtung, Achtung!
[you] lost your way[du] verirrtest dich
[you] lost your way[ihr] verirrtet euch
Accept your lot!Füge dich deinem Schicksal!
idiom Act your age!Sei kein Kindskopf!
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A 2024-10-10: More specifically in your case: Berlin, or rather Bern
A 2024-10-04: Midnightboy, What is your interpretation of Gene Simmons’s stance/sentence?
A 2024-10-04: aphoenix, your comment is pointless, and as usual wrong.
A 2024-09-24: Thanks for your help, parker11.
A 2024-09-11: @ newcallas:I see your point. Something with +Geduld+ might work,
A 2024-08-25: Perhaps your evidence is less than compelling.
A 2024-06-12: I see your point, Hefla.
A 2024-03-09: understatement – your understanding is correct. Only that your variant la...
A 2024-02-28: Your question is?
A 2024-02-06: Sunfunlili, Your suggestion and argument lack logic.
Q 2024-01-25: Whole House Water Filter: Transforming Your Home's Water Quality
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2024-01-22: Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]

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Your alms are asked for.
You randy old devil.
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your bank
Your barn door is open.
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Your beauty is beyond compare.
your best

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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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