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English-German translation for: Zensur der Presse
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Dictionary English German: Zensur der Presse

Translation 1 - 50 of 18097  >>

NOUN   die Zensur der Presse | -
journ. censorship of the pressZensur {f} der Presse
journ. press censorshipZensur {f} der Presse
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to be subject to censorshipder Zensur unterliegen
banned by the censor {adj} [postpos.]von der Zensur verboten
to fall victim to the censorsder Zensur zum Opfer fallen
to fail to pass censorshipvon der Zensur gestoppt werden
quote Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. [attributed to George Bernard Shaw]Mord ist die extreme Form der Zensur.
in the papers {adv}in der Presse
journ. representatives of the pressVertreter {pl} der Presse
journ. to leak sth. to the pressder Presse etw. zuspielen
to announce to the pressder Presse bekannt geben
journ. to commit sth. to the pressetw.Akk. der Presse übergeben
journ. to be hounded by the pressvon der Presse verfolgt werden
journ. a large section of the pressein großer Teil {m} der Presse
Press and Information Office of the Federal GovernmentPresse- und Informationsamt {n} der Bundesregierung
censorshipZensur {f}
editorial control [censorship]Zensur {f}
educ. mark [esp. Br.]Zensur {f}
educ. grade [mark at school]Zensur {f} [Benotung]
to censorZensur ausüben
journ. to impose censorshipZensur verhängen
strict censorshipstrenge Zensur {f}
lit. expurgationZensur {f} [anstößiger Stellen]
body of censorsZensur {f} [Stelle, Behörde]
to abolish censorshipdie Zensur abschaffen
to be liable to censorshipeiner Zensur unterliegen
censorship of mapsZensur {f} von Landkarten
tech. compactorPresse {f}
journ. print mediaPresse {f}
squeezing machinePresse {f}
print tech. pressPresse {f} [Maschine]
gastr. squeezerPresse {f} [Saftpresse]
journ. pressPresse {f} [Zeitungen]
tech. hydraulic presshydraulische Presse {f}
print tech. mechanical pressmechanische Presse {f}
print tech. power pressmechanische Presse {f}
journ. national pressnationale Presse {f}
journ. publ. periodical pressperiodische Presse {f}
journ. press agencyPresse-Agentur {f}
journ. press packPresse-Dossier {n}
journ. regional pressregionale Presse {f}
journ. national pressüberregionale Presse {f}
journ. gossip magazineSoraya-Presse {f} [veraltet]
journ. to command the pressdie Presse beherrschen
journ. to gag the pressdie Presse knebeln
agr. tech. baler"Pick-up"-Presse {f}
clandestine pressheimliche Presse {f} [veraltet] [Untergrundliteratur]
journ. [Austrian news agency]Austria Presse Agentur {f} <APA>
journ. German Press AgencyDeutsche Presse-Agentur {f} <dpa>
idiom to gag the pressdie Presse mundtot machen
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