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English-German translation for: a lot
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Dictionary English German: a lot

Translation 1 - 50 of 295  >>

English German
NOUN   a lot | lots
SYNO   a good deal | a great deal | a lot ... 
SEE ALSO  alot
a lot {adv}viel
a lot {adv}sehr viel
a lot {adv} [frequently]häufig
a lot {adv} [regularly, frequently, sedulously]fleißig [ugs.] [regelmässig, häufig, unverdrossen, viel]
a lot {adv} [used as an intensifier with "to like"]sehr gern [mögen]
a lot {adv} [very much]sehr
a loteine Menge {f}
idiom a fat lot {adv}herzlich wenig
a lot better {adj} {adv}viel besser
a lot better {adj} {adv}um Potenzen besser [viel besser]
A lot can happen.Es kann viel passieren.
a lot cheaper {adj} [pred.] [coll.]um einiges billiger
a lot easier {adj}viel leichter
a lot lessviel weniger
a lot moreviel mehr
a lot of {pron} [money, work, trouble, etc.]viel [Geld, Arbeit, Mühe etc.]
mattering a lot {adj} [postpos.]viel bedeutend
quite a lotganz viele
quite a lotziemlich viel
quite a lotganz schön viel [ugs.]
Thanks a lot!Danke schön!
Thanks a lot! <TXL>Vielen Dank!
to charge a lotviel verlangen [finanziell]
to cost a lotviel kosten
idiom to get sth. a lotetw. oft zu hören bekommen
to raise a perpendicularein Lot errichten
to rectify a situationeine Sache wieder ins Lot bringen
to risk a lothoch pokern [fig.] [ein hohes Risiko eingehen]
to talk a lotviel reden
to talk a lotviel sprechen
to weigh a lotviel wiegen
a lot ofeine Menge {f}
a whole loteine ganze Menge {f}
quite a lotschöne Menge {f}
A fat lot I care! [coll.] [idiom]Das ist mir schnurzpiepegal! [Redewendung]
proverb A lot helps a lot!Viel hilft viel!
a lot more slowly {adv}viel langsamer
A lot of snow fell.Eine Menge Schnee fiel.
a lot of times {adv}häufig
a lot of times {adv}oft
a lot of times {adv}oftmals
a lot of times {adv}des Öfteren [häufig]
a lot of times {adv}viele Male
a whole lot simpler {adj} [pred.] [coll.]um einiges einfacher
got around (a lot) {past-p}(weit) herumgekommen
He worries a lot.Er macht sich immer so viel Sorgen.
I've improved a lot.Es geht mir schon viel besser.
not a lot different {adv}nicht viel anders
sb. has achieved a lotjd. hat es weit gebracht [(beruflich) viel erreicht]
She socializes a lot.Sie hat ein reges gesellschaftliches Leben.
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A 2023-10-31: Interesting to me that the grandest dictionary project in English worked a...
A 2023-09-28: Many thanks Sunfunlili & Sasso. @bxcnch - Your detailed explanation helped...
A 2023-05-09: Thanks all for a lot of interesting info!
A 2022-12-19: Beg to differ. It takes a lot of psychobabble to make +abreaction+ synonym...
A 2022-11-14: Thanks a lot!
A 2022-09-10: @renbyska: Thanks a lot for taking the trouble to thouroughly go into this!
A 2022-06-11: Maybe: Paper does not take it all / Paper will not take a lot
A 2021-08-11: Thanks a lot, all of you!
A 2021-07-06: Thanks a lot
A 2021-02-25: Thanks a lot, Proteus
A 2021-02-17: Thanks a lot!
A 2020-12-16: To titillate an ocelot oscillate its tits a lot
A 2020-10-23: Yes, that's good, thanks a lot!
A 2020-06-22: Thank you very much - helped a lot
A 2020-06-15: Excellent! Thanks a lot, Proteus.
A 2020-03-08: @MichaelK: I like your Mitteilungsbedürfnis a lot;-) Many of us do.
A 2020-02-21: Super! Thanks a lot for your help, MichaelK!
A 2020-01-19: Yes, that's it! Thanks a lot, especially to Ceterum censeo.
A 2019-12-19: Super! Thanks a lot for your help!
A 2019-12-09: Thanks a lot!

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